*My sincere thanks to the Dodson Museum, Orrick Sparlin collection, for sharing these black and white photos of activities at the Miami Golf and Country Club.
62.4.24 Stapp is No.1 in Muskogee Golf
John F. Stapp of the Miami Country club was the No. 1 shooter Monday in the PGA's sectional pro-amateur tournament at the Muskogee Country club for entries from Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas,
Stapp carded a two-under par 68 on the muddy course following rain of nearly two inches. Next best score was a 73 by a Wichita pro.
Amateur honors went to Dr.W.D. Jackson of Miami, who played in the local foursome that included amateurs G.R. White and Pat Campbell.
Stapp's shooting in combination with Jackson resulted in a low pro-am score of 63. The second low-net was also won by Stapp and G.R. White with a 64. The 67 with Campbell was fourth lowest.
62.4.25 "Miami Girls State Golf Champions"
For the second straight year, Miami high school girls have won the 27 hole State Oklahoma High School Tournament. The four-ball team champions are Letty Stapp 55-53-46=155; Diana Oliver, 53-48-54=155; Carole Luttrell, 58-54-54=166; Pam Smallwood, 60-59-57=176. Sherry Taylor of N.E. High School OKC was the tourney medalist with 47-46-40=133. Miami's Stapp and Oliver placed second and third.
Oliver was the only member of the Miami foursome that swept medalist,
two-ball and four-ball honors last year. Other members of that team were
Suzanne Stephenson, Phyllis Propper, and Gaye Phillips. Mrs. Johnie
Stapp was in charge of the girls team.
Scores by Miami War Dogs for the two days 54 hole tourney were Phil Ulmer 285;
Charles Dawson 268; Jim Williams 289; and Billy Oliver 286. The team did not place this year. Coach Bill Watkins was in charge of the boys team.
62.6.1 "Winners Named in Golf Event"
Winners in Scotch foursome golf competition at the Miami Country club on Memorial Day were: Low net--Don Curlee and Pat Horner, First; Bill Carter and Norma Jackson, Second; Bill Oliver and Melba Cordell, third
Low Gross: Corbin Shouse and Helen Jones, first; Phillip Temple and Leaetta Jackson, second; Ted Vernon and Florence Dawson, third.
Low Putts: Harry Whitaker and Hattie Wall, first; Dick Varley and Lois Cowles, second; Tom Cordell and Claire Oliver, third
There were 54 contestants in the holiday meet.
62.6.20 "Junior Girls to Compete in Tournament Here Friday"
Eighty girls have entered the third annual Miami Junior Girls Invitational. Last year's tournament drew 67 contestants, with Kay Van Valkenburgh of Tulsa the trophy winner in the championship fight. The winner of the first meet in 1960 was Jeannie Thompson. She will be here this year in the adult capacity of scorer.
One of the favorites in the championship fight is Donna Fox of Clinton, Missouri. While residing at Seneca last year, she won runner-up honors in the championship.
Susan Basolo of Muskogee, who reached the semi-finals last week in the women's state amateur tournament in Tulsa, should be one of the strongest contenders here. Another top contender from Tulsa is Suzie Friels. Deanna Jackson of Coffeyville served notice when she carded a 46 in the nine-hole practice round here Wednesday.
Four Miami girls who won the State High School girls team championships in April with compete. They are Letty Stapp, Diana Oliver, Carole Luttrell, and Pam Smallwood. Another Miami girl due to gain a berth in the championship flight is C.Ann Richards.
The tournament is sponsored by the Miami Ladies Golf Association. Co-chairmen of the meet are Mrs. Johnie Stapp and Mrs. Woodrow Painter.
Heading the Tulsa delegation of 49 girls is Mrs. Mabel Hotz. They will arrive by chartered bus. Mrs. Hotz, wife of Dr. Carl Hotz, is heading the State Junior Girls golf program for the 13th straight year. She will yield the leadership at the conclusion of the July 10-13 tournament at Tulsa's Southern Hills and Meadowbrook clubs. Adult leaders of the Miami tournament said they were inspired by Mrs. Hotz to start the successful local meet.
Entries by other cities follow: Ann Travis, Bartlesville, Marilyn Mabry and Louise Stokell, Okmulgee; Susan and Nancy Basolo, Muskogee. Miami entries: C.Ann Richards, Karen Jeffries, Jonya Stapp, Patsy Riddling, Kathy Gilmore, June Reniker, Susan Russell, Barbara Bomford, Lee Dell Snyder, Nancy Cordell, Jenee Kenreigh, Janie Berentz, Carole Luttrell, Cathy Olson, Letty Stapp, Sally Meyer, Dianna Oliver, Pam Smallwood, Carole Searle, Clara Searle, and Gayla Dale.
Susan Russell
I vividly recall young Ellen Robinson as a scorer, smoking and drinking a coke and wearing a very cute pair of short shorts. Mothers complained about how she looked and the example it set for others.
In essence, I thought that they were just downright jealous biddies, and I, too, at age 16 even recognized that I'd never be that cute. Women wouldn't look at me like that.
**PERSONAL NOTE: Often times, in the humid heat of the summer, when I bend over and pull weeds from my garden, I recall pulling grab grass at the country club. In the late 50's and early 60's my dad, and board of officers would host one or two "Crab Grass Picking Parties" at the club during the year. My most vivid memory was on No.2, one year, when the Sam Fullerton family arrived and sat down on their row with mats, towels, and tools. Mother, dad, Jonya and I also worked that hole. Dad and his team marked off rows on every green and families were assigned a green and could pick any row. In the evening we would all gather, go to our greens, and pick crab grass together. Most tools were simply pocket knives or pairing knives. The men made sure to show their wives and kids how to dig in around the grass and pull.
I remember how much I admired Ruth Fullerton. Her face always clean and never sweaty like mine, and her clothes stiffly ironed and proper. That evening she sat down on her towel, tucked her skirt up under her side bottom, leaned over and began to dig and pull. Her grace and beauty left a smiling heartfelt memory with this child. Later, when I was older, she enjoyed playing golf with me, usually just the two of us. She and Florence Dawson were the only two women to play with a full set of "woods" long before we had rescue clubs or hybrids.
62.7.1 "Girls From Three States Share Top Honors"
Donna Fox, 16, who will be a junior next fall in Tipton, Mo captured top honors Friday in the Third Annual Girls Invitational Tourney. She carded 82, the lowest medal score in three years. Runner-up honors went to Deanna Jackson with an 86 and Susan Basolo, 14 year old from Muskogee with an 89. Miami's C.Ann Richards finished fourth with 94.
Miamian's placing in the tourney were: Lee Dell Snyder putting in Class B; Barbara Bomford putting in Class C. Sally Meyer driving in Class D. Karen Jeffries Pee Wee division.
The Miami Ladies Golf Association, sponsor of the tournament, voted to designate
the fourth annual meet next year as the "Mabel Hotz Miami Invitational" Mrs. Hotz had headed the state junior golf program the past 13 years and will retire from the presidency at the conclusion of the July 10-13 state Junior at Southern Hills.
62.7.2 "Fireworks Shows Are Set"
Miami will have "double feature" Independence Day firework shows Wednesday night. The first will be at the MCC just after dark about 8 o'clock. A professional crew will shift from the Country club to the Fairgrounds for the Miami American Legion's fireworks spectacular between 9 and 9:30
The Legion program at the Fairgrounds will open at 8:30 and will include a Boy Scout flag ceremony and special music preceding the fireworks display. It is free to the public.
62.7.20 "Junior Boys Golf Meet Here Today"
Traffic on the nine-hole course of the Miami Country club was near an all-time high today with 133 boys ages 7-17, competing in the second annual one-day Miami Junior Boys Invitational golf tournament, sponsored by the Miami Ladies Golf Association in co-operation with Johnie Stapp, club pro.
Stapp expressed regret today that it was necessary to turn down more than 40 late applicants during the week. Contestants are here from Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma
One of the favorites for top honors in the championship flight is Dick Orr of Okmulgee, runner-up to champion Mike Norman of Muskogee last year. Among entry rating support in the title race is L.C. Sikes of Fayetteville, Arkansas. His brother Dick Sikes of Springdale, Arkansas won last week's USGA Public Links tournament at Buffalo, NY.
Winners last year other than championship shooters were: President's flight--Mike Scimeca, Caney, Kansas and Mike Bennett, Wichita; A flight--Tom Weeks of Bartlesville and Brad Smallwood, Miami; B flight--John Huron of Ponca City; C flight--Paul Kempa, Okmulgee, and Mike Adkisson, Wichita, and pee-wee flight--Time Schofield and Pat Callahan of Miami.
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Junior Golfers are Clara Searle, Kathy Gilmore, and Carol Searle |
62.7.11 "Miamians in Meet"
Letty Stapp led Miami's delegation in the State Girls Championship but missed the championship flight by just one stroke (that was the story of my life as a junior player). Her 101 was best in the first flight. She was paired today against Ann Masterson, 104 of OKC. C.Ann Richards of Miami, 105 will meet Peggy Gentry, OKC with a 103 in the first flight.
Miamians in the other flights are: Second flight Janie Berenz vs Rinda Kopptiz,of Alva; Third flight Diana Oliver vs Karen Pappen, Ponca City; Jenee Kenreigh vs Jan Goss of Tulsa; Pam Smallwood vs Jane Snodgrass of OKC.
Karen Jeffries of Miami was NO. 1 scorer among the pee-wees and top the A flight list with 41 for five holes. Also in A flight are Jonya Stapp, Clara Searle, Carol Searle.
62.7.13 "Miamians in Finals at State Tournament"
Two Miami girls played in today's finals of the Junior Girls State Golf Championsip at Tulsa, and Karen Jeffries won the pee-wee flight.
C.Ann Richards of Miami played Susan Willis today for First Flight championship. Diana Oliver of Miami played against Ann Sheets of Muskogee for the third flight trophy.
In other results Miamians Letty Stapp lost to Suzanne Willis; Janie Berentz lost to Katherine McGraw; Jenee Kenreigh lost to Terry Yetman; Pam Smallwood lost to Becky Cooley.
In the pee-wee division, Clara Searle scored a 60-62-65=187 in A Flight and Carol Searle of Be flight finished with 58-52-56=166.
62.7.15 "Annual Junior Boys Invitational Golf Tournament"
A new champion will be crowned this year as Mike Norman, of Muskogee last year's champion, has aged out. The entry list has been filled with a total of 121 including 23 from Springfield, 25 from Bartlesville Sunset, 5 from Bartlesville Hillcrest, 2 from Pryor, 10 from Neosho, 15 from Fayetteville, 3 from Wichita, 6 from Okmulgee, and 32 Miamians. Last year's tournament had 77 entries.
Co-chairs are Mrs. Woodrow Painter and Mrs. Johnie Stapp. Other members of the committee are Mrs. John Scholfield, Mrs. John F. Robinson, Mrs. Tom Cordell, Mrs. Al White, and Mrs. Vernon Sapp. Tournament assignments follow: Pat Campbell and Stapp, trophy awards; Stapp rules and pairings; starters Campbell and Bill Hirsch; scoring posters, Mrs. Bert Wall, Mrs. Claude Jones, and Mrs. John F. Robinson.
Other positions include: Jim Smallwood driving contest; Mrs. Harry Gilmore, Mrs. Bill Hirsch and Mrs. John Burford food; Mrs. W.D. Jackson, handicaps; Mrs. Henry Garwood scorers; Mrs. Scholfield, Mrs. Al White, Mrs. Tom Cordell and Mrs. John Robinson registration; Mrs. Clancy Pollock, entertainment in case of rains; Sally Meyer and Lee Dell Snyder, ball spotters, Mrs. Charles Trussler, Mrs. George Russell, and Mrs. John Meyer, club house.
62.7.15 "Ladies Golf Notes"
Winners in competition of the past week for the Ladies Golf association were Claire Oliver, Championship, Millie Carter, Class A; Helen Jo Painter and Lottie Mae Russell in Flight B; and Sue Barnes in C.
NOTE: This is the first time I have seen the ladies addressed by their first names.
Pairings for next Wednesday follow:
Hattie Wall, Beverly Jackson, and Helen Jo Painter; Yvonne Temple, Eva Williams, and Pat Horner; Mary Varley, Claire Oliver and Barbara Shouse; Faye Berentz, Evelyn Hatfield, Florence Dawson and Beverly Smith.
Hattie White, Helen Moore, and Lois Cowles; Clara Barton, Ollie Longacre, Erin Wojcik; Sue Mason, Lottie Mae Russell, and Dottie Ridling; Carol Pollock, Louise Curlee, and Gladys Wetzel.
Ethel Carselowery, Helen Stapp, and Melba Cordell; Norma Lou Jackson, Inez Buzzard, Nancy Johnson; Elizabeth Hansford, Virginia Sapp and Glenna Vernon; Irne White, Jessie Walbert, and Sue Robinson.
VanBeber, Dorothy Scholfield and Virginia Lee Wilson; Helen Jo Painter,
Betty Kelly, and Lois Garwood, Ruth Fullerton, Margaret Coburn and Sue
Barnes; Lillian White, Pauline Dykes, Milly Carter, and Opel Goettel.
Completion of the annual Miami Women's handicap golf tournament was climaxed Wednesday when Faye Berentz presented trophies to Clara Barton, (2nd from left), 18-hole flight champion and Louise Curlee, runner-up; Helen Moore, 9-hole champion, and Hattie White, runner-up.
62.7.22 "Okmulgee's Dick Orr is Champion"
Dick Orr, 17, Okmulgee, who has accepted a golf scholarship to the University of Oklahoma, captured top honors in Friday's second annuals Miami Junior boys invitational at the Miami Country club.
Orr carded 36-37-71, one-over par score, for the 18-hole medal play. Tying for second place in the championship flight were David Hines, of Tulsa and Dan Holt of Bartlesville.
Miami boys who won are: Charles Dawson, Championship driving; Pat Wilson, A flight driving; Woody Painter, C flight putting. The tournament was sponsored by the Miami Ladies Golf association and club pro John Stapp.
62.7.29 "Junior Golfers End Season"
Diana Oliver and John Robinson captured honors Friday in the annual Miami Junior handicap golf tournament by winning their respective divisions of the championship flight. John's 18-hole card showed a score of 44-45=89. With a 22 handicap his net score was 67. Stephen Moore won the runner-up trophy after a playoff with Pat Wilson. Each netted a 77.
Diana's winning card showed 49-46=95 and an 18 handicap for a 77 net. Jenee Kenreigh was runner-up with a net 81.
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Woody Painter |
B flight boys: Jackie Mann first in playoff with Ray Coburn, both shot a net 37.
5 hole boys: Pete Whitaker, first; Bobby Wilson, 2nd
Pee-Wee boys: Tom Cordell, firs; Kenney Gibson, 2nd.
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Susan Russell |
A flight girls: Susan Russell, first; Judy Berentz 2nd
5-hole girls: Patsy Ridling, first; Jonya Stapp, 2nd.
2-hole girls: Ann Cordell, first.
62. 8. 6 "Miami Golfers win in the Finale"
Miami Country club golfers handily outscored opponents from Joplin and Springfield here Sunday, 94 but the rally was not sufficient to bring the Miamians from the cellar position they've held in the triangular inter-club tournament begun last spring.
Miamians tallied 84 points Sunday while golfers from Joplin's Twin Hills and Springfield's Twin Oaks gathered 38. The tourney winner was Springfield with a total of 184, Joplin 181, Miami 175.
Two Miamians took low score honors Sunday, John F. Robinson and Bob Hill, Jr., both shot 76.
62.8.12 "Ladies Golf Notes"
Last weeks winners at the MGCC were Championship: Faye Berentz; Class A. Hattie Wall; Class B Clara Barton; Class C Gladys Wetzel.
Photo on the left: Pat Horner, Helen Moore, Clara Barton, Claire Oliver (who later became the Jr. High School golf coach).
Personal notes from Jody (Joanne) LaCaff Lasky:
I had my wedding reception there in 1962. I gave Patti Gibson a bridesmaid luncheon there in 1965 and Mavis Ford gave me a party there as a graduation present in 1960.
62.9.2 "Karen Kay Williams Bride"
Miss Karen Kay Williams daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Williams, 919 B NW and William C. Harsch Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William Harsch Sr, C Harsch of Catasauqua, Pa. were united in marriage in a double-ring ceremony Friday, August 17, at 3 p.m. NOTE: Sunday upon Sunday the newspaper is filled with wedding pictures of brides from all over the county. Most often the decorations take paragraphs to describe. "The altar was decorated with bouquets of white gladioli and pink asters entwined with greenery and white satin bows. Pews were marked by white satin bows......
62.9.2 "Record Field Due Next Weekend for 7th Annuals Miami Golf Invitational"
A record field of 72 out-of-towners from 20 cities in four states and 28 local contestants will begin the tournament this Saturday. Percy Pipes previous winner is expected to defend his title this year.
1956 Jack Myers, Miami
1957 Jack Myers, Miami
1958 Podge Ferguson, Kansas City
1959 Dr. W.D. Jackson, Miami
1960 Percy Pipes, Mt. Vernon, Illinois
1961 Percy Pipes, Mt. Vernon, Illinois
W.D. Jackson (and his wife Norma Lou, who goes on to chair this tournament for decades) is the general chairman of the event. Robinson is in charge of invitations and finance Pairings will be supervised by Robert Temple, Harry Whitaker; Vernon Sapp will be starter; Club pro Johnie Stapp, will be in charge of rules.
NOTE: This tournament brought in a lot of money to Miami over the years since men drove to Miami to get in practice rounds through out the summer months. The course was consider fair but extremely difficult and placement of the tee shot mattered. The women came on Friday with their husbands and shopped downtown. The unmentionable is that this tournament was considered a Calcutta during which men could place bets on their team or others to see who won. This form of gambling took place nationwide until the 1980's, but all along it was considered against the law, so people did not speak openly of the dealings. Women in Oklahoma had their own tournaments during the 1960's, 70's, and 80's that were Calcuttas, again the unmentionable, but most certainly gambling payoffs.
62.9.10 "Hatfield Wins Tourney Title"
Missouri golfers dominated top honors in the seventh annuals Miami Country club invitational tourney which ended a two-day run Sunday evening in cold, rainy weather. Jim Hatfield of Neosho, a Rocketdyne machinist, captured the crown with a 36-hole score of 146. His one-under par 71 on Saturday took medalist honors. He scored 75 on Sunday.
Runner-up with 74-74=148 was Bill Stewart of Springfield, winner of the Missouri state amateur championship 1953 and 1957 (father of the PGA pro Payne Stewart, who also played golf at the country club before turning pro.) Miami banker John F. Robinson won third place with a 150 total. This marks the fifth straight year that Robinson has finished in the top four of the invitational.
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Jim Hatfield, champion, Bill Stewart, 2nd |
Of the 109 golfers from four states who had signed up for the tournament, 104 posted qualifying scores on Saturday despite heavy rains throughout the area early in the day. Rainfall here for the two tournament days totaled 2.41 inches.
62.10.4 "Ladies Trophy Winners"
The Ladies Golf association voted to name its annual fall golf event the "Virginia Campbell Memorial Tournament" in honor of the late Mrs. Pat Campbell, an enthusiastic golfer and member of the association. Trophies, donated by Country club President Pat Campbell, were present to the medalist, Claire Oliver; championship Faye Berentz, Class A Hattie Wall, Class B Helen Stapp, and Class C Helen Moore.
62.11.11 The annual meeting of the Miami Golf and Country club stockholders will be held on a regular Stagg night this Tuesday. Dinner will be served beginning at 7 o'clock prior to the meeting.
1962 Golf Shop Employees:
Ed and Cora Westfahl, Bobby Ballenger, Warren Harkins.
Figuring Handicaps: I made $15.00 a month when I helped mom compute all of the handicaps for the members. We used an ancient black adding machine to put in the numbers. When I had a total, I then used a slide rule designed for golf handicaps and figured an average score, and then a handicap. Mom and I took turns with this job until I was older and put in charge. Jonya and I both agree that the fun part was using the old adding machine and pulling down the handle.
He also built a short demo club about 12-15" long with a full grip. The grip he used over and over to teach everyone of his students how to properly hold the club
He believed in the effectiveness of the Vardon grip and consistently shared that information with people who came into the golf shop whining and complaining about the round he/she just had.
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1962 Junior Golfers |