**Thank you Ed Craig and Orick Sparlin for your dynamic photography that has kept the memories alive for so many of us.
1968 March 3 "Ladies Golf Association"
The Ladies Golf Association of the Miami Country club will hold its spring membership coffee at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the home of Mrs. G. P. Campbell, 1230 Johnson Drive. Mrs. Dan Heyburn, president, said an invitation is extended to all women interested in playing golf who have membership in the Miami Country club
1968 March 8 "Help Wanted"
2 Boys--Golf minded, ages 15-16, Miami Country club, Golf Shop, see Mr. Stapp.
1968 March 31 "High School Golf Tournament Here Monday"
1968 MHS golfers: Charlie Grayson, a junior; Randy James, junior; Coach Jack Leake; Mark Cordell, sophomore; and Jack Mann, senior.
1968 April 2 "Tulsa Hale Leads 18 Teams in Miami Tourney"
Tulsa Hale's Rangers, coached by Walter Knapp, won the team championship of the 10th annual MHS Invitational golf tournament at the Miami Country club with a four-ball total of 339. The champion foursome, consisted of Doug Brecht with an 18-hole total of 81; Mike Hearn, 84; Bill Woodley, 87, and Stan Wilkinson, 87. Fred Morgan of Tulsa Rogers and Richard Maril of OKC Harding shared medalist honors with 80's. Next were Brecht of Hale and Eddie Vossler of OKC Marshall, with 81's. Vossler is the son of PGA Pro Ernie Vossler.
The Miami War Dogs finished ninth among the 18 teams with a four-man total of 354. Coach Jack Leake was the general director of the tournament, Miami club pro John F. Stapp serving as starter. **Doug Brecht spent his career in golf. After being Asst. Pro at OU golf course, Doug went on to become one of the lead USGA Rules Official for the LPGA.
Memory from Randy James: The Hogan clubs that my parents bought for me in 1967 took me to the State High School tournament in 1968 and
1969. In 1968 the team qualified (I think the team was Jack Mann,
Charles Grayson, Mark Cordell, Mark Wojcik and me)
and in ‘69 I qualified by placing 2nd in both individually and two ball
with Mark Cordell.
1968 April 10 MHS Golfers Tip Tahlequah
Miami high school golfers defeated Tahlequah, 9 to 4, in matches Tuesday afternoon at the Miami Country club. Coach Jack Leake and his War Dogs were in Tahlequah this afternoon for a return match on the college course. Miami stands 3-1 for the season.
Randy James gave the War Dogs an extra point Tuesday by taking medalist honors with an 18-hole score of 84. Other results: Charles Grayson 86, tied his match; Mark Cordell 91 tied his match; Jack Mann 85 defeated Steve Stierwalt 3-0; Randy James 84 defeated Gene Pittman 3 and 1.
1968 April 24 Miami Golfers Place Second in Pryor Meet
Miami high school's boys golf team finished second to Okmulgee, in the state class A regional. Both teams qualified for the state finals. Jack Mann of Miami, first day co-medalist blew to a 92 yesterday for a 168 total; Mark Cordell's 166 paced the team followed by Charles Grayson, 167, Mann, Randy James, 171, and Steve Renegar 175.
1968 Miami Ladies Golf Association Officers
1968 May 20 "Miami Golfers 2nd in Springfield Play" Twin Oaks golfers at Springfield, Missouri, won Tri-club matches Saturday which also involved golfers from Twin Hills, Joplin and Miami Country club. Twin Oaks complied a 184 1/2 points to 179 for Miami and 177 1/2 for Twin Hills. The event was held at Springfield. Dick Luke, Springfield was medalist.
1968 June 9 "City Junior Golf Program"
The summer junior golf program at the Miami Country club will begin Friday under the sponsorship of the Miami Ladies Golf association. The program is for boys and girls from age 7-17 whose parents are members of the country club.
Registration will begin at 7L45 a.m. Friday, at which time the entry fee of $2.00 per person may be paid. Junior golf activities will be conducted each Friday through July, except on days of tournaments. Johnie Stapp, club pro, will give lessons each Friday preceding play.
Championship and A flights will start their weekly rounds at 8 a.m. followed by othr flights. The pairings this week will be made at the tee. Parents who can help scorers are urged to be present. Mrs. George Wojcik, chairman and Mrs. Tom Cordell, co-chair are leaders of the junior golf program.
1968 June 16 "Ladies Golf Notes"
The Miami Ladies Golf Association competition for Wednesday will be for "low hazards" from the Red Tees.
Pairings off No. 1--8:30 Virginia Snook, Helen Jones, Jun Jenkins; 8:37 Lois Cowles, Barbara Gust, Claire Oliver; 8:44--Martha Campbell, Lib Lillard, Bev Jackson; 8:51 Ruth Heyburn, Melba Cordell, Lottie Mae Russell; 8:58 Barbara Shouse, Erin Wojcik, Fay Berentz; 9:05 Sue Barnes, Lois Garwood, Peg Murphy.
9:12 Hattie Wall, Pat Horner, Joyce Rutter; 9:19 Mae Farrier, Yvonne Temple, Hattie Wall; 9:26 Evelyn Hatfield, LaRue Gaines, Helen Moore; 9L33 Cora Wilson, Maxine Jeffries, Mary Van Beber; 9:40 Elizabeth Hansford, Marylyn Adams; 9:47 Sarah Mirjanich, Bonnie Moody, Gladys Wetzel.
Pairings off No. 6--8:30 Helen Jo Painter, Vera Elmburg, Helen Post; 8:37 Phyllis Brockie, Mary Frances Mann, Virginia Romick; 8:44 Barbara Blevins, Nancy Johnson, Sue Enyart; 8:51 Val Dale, Mary Robinson, Jerrie Matthews; 8:58 Rose Pratt, Betty Ketcher, Gladyce Hirsch; 9)05 Noma Newman, Elaine Page, Mavis Ford.
9:12 Jean Phillips, Bunny Starcher, Pauline Taylor; 9:19 Mary Lou Wickham, Wanda Doan, Linda Elmburg; 9:26 Roma Dahl, Caryl Rohwedder, LaVon Young; 9:33 Louise Whitney, Aileen Bradshaw, Charlene Walker; 9:40 Grace Burns, Helen Stapp, Delores Renegar; 9:47 Pauline Atkinson, Pat Parker, Clara Barton.
1968 June 17 "Parent-Child Competition At Club Here"
Trophies went to Dr. W.D. Jackson and son, Scotty, and Mrs. George Newman and son B.J. in the parent-child golf tournament Sunday at the Miami Country club. Ninety-two entries competed in the nine-hole event.
The Jackson's won the low gross with a 38. John F. Robinson and John Jr., were second, 40; Tom and Tommy Cordell, third, 44; Rex and Dana Painter, fourth, 46, and Don and Charles Grayson, fifth, 46.
The Newman's were the low net winners with a 33. Also scoring well were Jim Rutter and Ricky Adams, second, 35; Sue and Renee Barnes, third, 36; Bill Hirsch and Kenny Gibson, fifth 37.
Dana Painter Meyer shared many memories. These are her special memories about her parents: My parents, Rex and Grace
Painter, so it isn't surprising Mom's name would pop up the following month. I know both of my parents were playing golf before they were married.
Certainly, my first twelve years of life were built around golf and the country club. I remember handing on my Mom's pull cart while she played. It wasn't surprising that at some point while we were still you that she quit playing.
Dad, on the other hand, continued to play as much as he could which was a lot. I doubt if anyone ever actually said it, but I think we all knew that certainly golf was an important to Dad as his family and business. I do not know if he ever played as a child but all of his siblings and cousins seemed to be big golfers. His niece, Martha Mahan, even played in the LPGA for a few years.
When people expressed their sympathies in 1997 when Dad passed away, I said more than once that he actually died about six months earlier when he could no longer play golf. (Dad had osteosarcoma. The tumor wrapped around nerves making it difficult and then impossible to walk.)
Long before "The Council of Dads" was written, I felt I had just that. My Dad's golfing buddies, Marion Zajic, Kenny Richards, Charlie Trussler, Lou Mirjanich, Bill Carter, and George Beck, to name a few. Your parents were part of it, too. I thought your Dad was God and your Mother was so very beautiful and sweet. Everyone was always kind and supportive. For a least ten years after my Dad passed away, Marion would periodically call just to check in and say how much he missed my parents. I still cry thinking of him.
1968 June 19 "Miami Junior Golf"
Winners in Miami youth golf competition the past week were: Championship--Scotty Jackson, Susie Wickham; A flight--Bill Giffhorn, Rebecca Mirjanich; B flight--John Mirjanich, Gail Painter; Five holes--Matt Giffhorn, Pam Landers; Two holes--Chipper McLaughlin, Sandy Jackson.
Thursday, 8 a.m. is tee-off time this week for those who compete in 18-hole play. Lessons for this group will be on Friday morning as usual.
The Thursday pairings: Mark Cordell, Scotty Jackson; Pam Bradley, Jonya Stapp, Susie Wickham.
Friday pairings follow:
A flight: Kenny Gibson, Tommy Cordell, B.J. Newman, and Bill Giffhorn; Sheryl Enyart and Rebecca Mirjanich; Robin Matthews, Stephanie Pruitt, and Sheri Gorley.
B flight: John Mirjanich and Tony.
68.6.27 Top Talent Due in Miami for
Junior Girls Golf Tourney
Diane Lukken,
16, of the Oaks Country club in Tulsa, will defend her Championship title in
the annual Miami Girls Invitational beginning at 9 a.m. this Friday. Back again
is last year’s third place winner, Karen Edwards of Bartlesville Hillcrest CC.
Carrying hometown prestige into the championship flight are Jonya Stapp and
Karen Jefferies winners of fourth and fifth place places last year.
Another Miamian
in the top flight is Suzy Wickham, 14, who chose to bypass the A flight for championship.
Suzy won first in A flight last year and was eligible to compete at the group
Weinshilbaum of Ponca City, the state junior girls champion of the last two
years and medalist in last year’s state women’s tournament, may be deserving of
the role as favorite for the 1968 Miami championship.
Another top contender
is Louise Stekoll of Okmulgee, runner-up to Miss Weinshilbaum in the state
junior girls competition. Louise will be competing in the Miami meet for the
last time. She won second place in 1965, fourth in 1966, and faded to seventh
in last year’s local invitational. Paula Eger, 15, of St. Louis, who last year
won the Missouri state junior girls crown at the age of 14, will be competing
in the Miami meet for the first time.
1968 June 30 Diane Lukken Repeats as Champion of Miami Girls Tourney
Diane Lukken, 16 year-old from Tulsa Edison, repeated as
champion of the ninth annual Miami Invitational junior girls tournament. Miss
Lukken carded a 42-42=84 with stiff winds out the southwest. A year ago, calm
conditions prevailed but extra soft conditions on the course caused scores to
be high than usual.
Louise Stekoll of Okmulgee, finished second with 45-41=86.
Her afternoon score of 41 was the best nine-hole round of the tournament.
Marsha Elder of Tulsa won third place with 47-42=89. Barbara Russell of
Oklahoma City placed fourth with 90. Teresa Weinshilboum of Ponca City finished
sixth with a 92. One stroke behind but out of the trophy group were Jonya Stapp
of Miami and Linda Dickey of Tulsa with 93’s.
Winners of other flight were Rebecca Mirjanich, A flight, Mary
Lou Karlovich, Tulsa, B flight, and Ann Heyburn, pee-wees. Other Miamians in
the tournament were: Suzy Wickham, Karen Jeffries, Gail Painter, Linda Wickham,
Dana Painter, Melissa Landers, Deborah Austin, Janey Adams, Theresa McKinney,
Ann Heyburn, Pam Landers, Sonya Austin, Chandia Garrett, and Carol McKinney.
1968 July 11 "Miamians in State Jr. Girls Golf Meet"
In addition to Jonya Stapp's advance to the semi-finals of the championship flight other Wednesday results for Miami entries included:
Suzy Wickham lost to Shelly Koppitz, 1 up on the 19th hole in B flight. Tamara Romick lost to Linda Dickey of Tulsa, 8 and 6 in C flight. In the nine-hole B flight, Gail Painter of Miami was the leader with 62-60=122. Pam Landers of Miami was third in the pee-wee A flight with 40-52=92.
1968 July 14 Jonya Stapp Reigns as State Jr. Girls Golf Champion"
Jonya Stapp, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnie F. Stapp of Miami, is Oklahoma's new junior girl's golf champion. She achieved the honor Friday afternoon at the Oaks Country Club, Tulsa, by dethroning Teresa Weinshilboum of Ponca City, state champion the past two years. Jonya finished the 18-hole round with a 2-up victory.
Playing by far the finest golf of her career, the pretty Miamian who stands 4-4 and weights 106, was sharp throughout the four-day tournament. The quality of the competition in this year's tourney was considerably above average, in the opinion of veteran observers.
This year Jonya qualified for championship flight with a score of 88. Three girls shot 82 each in a tie for medalist honors and Jonya defeated two of the trio in route to the championship.
In Thursday's semi-finals Jonya sank a 30-foot putt on the third extra (21st) hole to eliminate Louise Stekoll of Okmulgee, second-place winner in the two previous state tournaments and winner of the second place in the recent Miami tournament.
Jonya has been swinging golf clubs most of her young life, but never settled down to taking the game deadly serious until the last eight months. She participated in various stages of the local junior golf program, from the pee-wee class to the top flight.
1968 July 15 "State Champion Jonya Honored"
Jonya Stapp, Oklahoma's new junior girls golf champion, was honored by the Miami Country club Sunday afternoon with a large turnout for a reception at the club. She was joined by members of the junior golf brigade--Suzy Wickham, Karen Jeffries, and Tamara Romick.
Tamara Romick, Karen Jeffries, Suzy Wickham, Jonya Stapp, Grace Painter.
Mrs. Wayman Jackson and Mrs. Rex Painter were in charge of the reception arrangements. Rex Painter in a brief talk, paid tribute to Jonya's achievement and present a gift card from the club members to the champion's mother, Mrs. Helen Stapp.
Memory from Rebecca Mirjanich Davis: When I was in the pro shop one of my favorite things was
looking at the all of the clubs that were for sale. If you remember sets of
irons and woods were displayed along the south wall of the pro shop. One day,
in probably 1966, I saw a set of Ben Hogan Princess irons that were used. If I
recall correctly they had previously belonged to Dr. Bill Neal’s sister.
The set was a 3 iron through 9 iron and they were ladies clubs not junior
clubs. The cost of the set was $25.00. I desperately wanted my parents to buy
the irons for me. Each time I went in the pro shop I would look at them
longingly. My parents eventually bought the irons for me and I was so proud of
them. My previous set of junior clubs only included a 3,5 and 7
iron. I was excited to have so many more irons to play golf with. I
continued to use those irons until the head of the nine iron flew off, going
farther than the ball, when I hit out of a fairway bunker at Indian Springs
Country club in 1981. I would say that $25.00 was money well spent.
Thanks dad and mom for giving me such a lasting gift.
1968 July 21 Leaders
in Miami Junior Golf
The annual tournament Friday at the MCC concluded the season’s
junior golf program. Point trophies were awarded to the following players for
weekly play--Championship winners are Scotty Jackson and Suzy Wickham; Class A
winners are Bill Giffhorn and Rebecca Mirjanich; Class B John Mirjanich and
Gail Painter.
1968 July 21 "Trophy Winners"
1968 July 28 "Boy's Invitational Winners"
Danny Tewell, 17, whose athletic talents include regular service as a split end on the football team and forward on the basketball team at Stillwater high school, is the 1068 Champion of the Miami Invitations Junior Boys Golf tournament. He carded men's par, 36-36=72 to win the eighth annual meet Friday at the Miami Country club. Other Miamians playing the event: Charles Grayson 43-43-85; Randy James 45-42-87: President's flight--Bill Giffhorn 43-48-91, Tom Cordell 48-44-92, B.J. Newman48-54-102: A flight--Wayne Anderson 70, Mike Haywood 96: B flight--Matt Giffhorn 64, Jim Arndt 67, Jackie Brown 82.
The tournament sponsored by the Miami Ladies Golf Association had 115 entries and was played under hot and relative calm conditions. Mrs. W.J. Hatfield was tournament chairman. Assisting her with various details were Bill Hirsch, starter; Letty Stapp and Helen Moore, pairings; Maxine Jeffries and Helen Moore, registration, Hattie Wall, Gracie Burns, Clara Barton, Mary Louise Klein and Maxine Jeffries, scoreboard. Grace Painter, Pauline Taylor, Shirley Ober, Mae Farrier, Betty Schwertfeger, Myrtle Shepler, and Pat Landers, food, Johnie Stapp and Helen Stapp, trophies.
1968 August 2 From the Clutter
Whose local family has the most participants in a competitive sports program?
Golf honors go to the Heyburn red-heads, including the parents. Dan and Ruth have five children--Mark, 11; Ann, 10; Danny, 9; and twins James and John, 7; Mary Ruth, 3 will join the golfing brigade in a few years.
Next with six golfers in each family are:
Jack and Marylyn Adams and children—Nancy, 18; David, 16;
Ricky, 15; and Janey, who will be 13 on Saturday.
Tom and Melba Cordell and children—Nancy, 18; Mark 16;
Tommy; 14; and Ann, 13.
Bill and Sue Giffhorn and children—Bill, 14; Dan, 12; Matt,
10; and Lisa,7.
1968 August
18 Ladies Golf Notes
Winners in
last Wednesday’s competition for least fairway shots were: Championship, Evelyn
Hatfield; Class A, Stormy Lewis; Class B, Lottie Mae Russell; Class C I,
Pauline Taylor; Class CII, Jerrie Matthews.
This week’s
play will be for “point play” (3 par, 2 bogey, 1 double bogey) from the white
tees. Pairings:
No. 1
tee: Virginia Sapp, Helen Jones, Lois
Cowles; June Jenkions, Lottie Mae Russell, Beverly Jackson; Faye Berentz, Mary
VanBeber, Yvonne Temple; Lib Lillard, Pat Horner, Melba Cordell; Cora Wilson,
Mae Farrier, LaRue Gaines; Virginia Snook, Erin Wojcik, Hattie White; Ruth Heyburn,
Peg Murphy, Mary Louise Klein; Sue Barnes, Evelyn Hatfield, Lois Garwood; Elizabeth
Hansford, Barbara Shouse, Martha Campbell; Hattie Wall, Barbara Gust, Noma
Newman; Joyce Rutter, Helen Moore, Stormy Lewis; Virginia Lee Wilson, Maxine
Jeffries; Mary Robinson, Caryl Rohwedder, Vera Elmburg.
No. 6 tee:
Nancy Johnson, Bonnie Moody, Pauline Atkinson; Val Dale, Delores Renegar, Roma
Dahl; Mary Lou Wickham, Elaine Page, Sarah Mirjanich; Sue Robinson, Wanda Doan,
Phyllis Brockie; Sue Enyart, Pat Parker, Pauline Taylor; Helen Stapp, Gladyce
Hirsch, Helen Jo Painter; Mary Heywood, Dollie Humes, Aileen Bradshaw; Mary
Frances Mann, Clara Barton, Rose Pratt; Bunny Starcher, Virginia Romick, Jean
Phillips; Gladys Wetzel, Jerrie Matthews, Barbara Blevins; LaVon Young,
Charlene Walker, Barbara Anderson; Wanda Jo Brown, Helen Post, Mavis Ford,
Louise Whitney.
The 13th annual invitational golf tournament at the Miami Country club will open a two-day run Saturday with an all-time record field of 160 contestants from six states. The previous record was 139 last year.
1968 September 9
1968 September 9 "Miami Title Trophy to Pipes Third Time"
Pursie Pipes of Mt. Vernon, Ill., became the first three-time champion of the Miami Country club annual invitational golf tournament when he captured the top trophy Sunday. Pipes and R.C. Harvey, Jr. of Shawnee Mission, Kansas carded identical 75-75--150 scores. Rather than remain for a playoff, Harvey forfeited the championship to Pipes and accepted second place honors. Tommy Beck of Tulsa, champion of the past two years finished third with 75-76--151. His score last year was 70-71--141. Stiff wind both tournament day figured in the higher scores for most of the contestants this time. Another two-time champion of the Miami tourney, Dr. W.D. Jackson, was sidelined after 13 holes Saturday by bursitis. He won the 1959 and 1964 meets and finished second to Beck the past two years.
Other Miamians in the tourney were: Bob Klein 75-83--156; Jack Doan 80-80--160; Bob Hill, Jr. Parsons, 82-80--162; Dick Lowry, Vinita, 79-87--166; Chi Galloway, Joplin, one of six to share medalist honors with a 75 score Saturday, withdrew as a contestant because of a lat arrival for Sunday's play. Gift certificates were awarded to the top six players of six flights. First-place winners in other flights were: President's flight--Delmer Barnes, 83-78--161; First flight-- Mark Wojcik 88-81-167; Third flight--Henry Garwood 95-87--182; Fourth flight--tie Dean Haines and Jim Rutter with a 196. Rutter lost in a coin toss.
President's flight: John F. Robinson Sr, Kent Jeffries, Joe Whipple, Woody Painter, Jr., George Parker, Frankie Jacobs, Dr. W.D. Neal, George Myers, G.R. White, Rex Painter, Bill Hirsch, Brad Smallwood, Norman, John Robinson Jr., Bob Hill, Sr., David Robinson, John Burford, David Page, Bill Wilson, Woodrow Painter, Sr., Ted Lowry, Dr. Harry Ford, Don Young, John Elmburg, George Wojcik, Pat Campbell, Al White, George Romick, Ray Enyart, Lou Mirjanich, Bob Garwood, Dr. Raymond McKinney, Henry Garwood, Jerry Blevins, Bill Oliver, Dick Wadleigh, Dan Mailath, Frank Remis Jim Rutter.
1968 September 9 "From the Clutter"
Mahlon Craig of Baxter Springs, competing in the weekend Miami Invitational golf tournament, fired a 199-yard hole-in-one but it didn't count as an ace on his scorecard. The ball rolled into the wrong hole on the No. 3 green which becomes No. 16 when the nine-hole course is played the second time around in an 18-hole competition. Each green has two holes--one with a red flag and the other with a whit flag to correspond with the tee shots. Craig was aiming for the white flag but the red hole gobbled his fine shot. The green is a par 3, whether played as No. 3 or No. 16.
Tom Pendergraft shared a memory of caddying during the invitational: I caddied for a man named Percy Pipes from Illinois. It is strange but the thing I remember about him, other than his name, is the flop-flop-flop sound of the leather fringe flaps that covered the laces of his golf shoes.
1968 September 15 "Twilight League Champions"
1968 September 20 "Women's Winners"
1968 September 25 "Club Championship"
Pairings for the annual Miami Country club's championship for men have been announced, with assignments to flights based on qualifying scores in recent rounds.
Bob Klein was medalist with a two-under-par 72, Runner-up was Dr. W.D. (Bill) Neal with 74.
First round matches must be played on or before Sunday, Sept.29. Fires-round losers in the 16-man championship flight will continue play in the president's flight, with four weeks of play required to determine the champions in these two top groups.
the other flight have eight men each and the winners can be determined in three weeks. First-round pairings and qualifying scores:
Championship: Bob Klein, 70 vs Bill Harsch, 77; John F. Robinson Sr., 76 vs Bud May 81; John F. Robinson, Jr. 75 vs Kent Jeffries, 79; Chi Galloway, 76 vs Bob Temple, 81. Dr. Bill Neal, 74 vs Jack Doan, 78; Bob Snook, 76 vs Mark Wojcik, 81; Woody Painter, Jr. 76 vs Lloyd Tate, 80; Dr. W.D. Jackson, 77 vs Don Young, 82.
A flight: Stratton Henley, 83 vs Delmer Barnes 85; Corbin Shouse, 83 vs George Meyer, 86; Lloyd Cowgill, 83 vs Dale Osborn, 85; John Sheppard, 83 vs Bill Hirsch, 86.
B flight: Bill Hatfield, 86 vs Bob Hunt, 88; Bob Nunn, 87 vs Paul Wilson, 89; Delbert Wolf, 87 vs Lou Mirjanich, 89; John Elmburg, 87 vs. Dr. Harry Ford, 89.
C flight: Woody Painter, Sr., 89 vs Hank Garwood, 91; David Page, 90, vs Clifford Gust, 92; John Burford, 89 vs Dan Mailath, 92; Frank Hansford, 90 vs Dick Wadleigh, 92.
D flight: Bill Oliver, 92 vs Don Wiley, 94; Mike Craig, 93 vs Dail West, 95; Jerry Ketcher, 93 vs R.O. Neel, 94; B.F. Wilson, 93 vs Bob Wickham, 95.
E flight: Robert Burgess, 95 vs Cy Elmburg, 100; Tom Prewitt, 99 vs O.M Douglas, 100; Dr. J.O. Bradshaw, 100 vs Robert Rohwedder, 100; Jim Rutter, 99 vs Vernon Allen, 102.
F flight: Dick James, 102 vs George Romick, 105; Jack Brown, 104 vs Jack Renegar, 108; Dave Stewart, 103 vs Bill Dunbar, 107; Wes Renegar, 104 vs Jack Robinson, 113.
**Sadly, no matter how I searched I could not find the results. Perhaps in 1969 I will find results with a note as to last year's winner.
1968 September 29 "Lighter Golf Clubs Gain in Popularity"
Golfers who avidly seek new aids for their game, now are turning to aluminum-shafted clubs. "Aluminum shafts have caused the greatest flurry in the pro shops in the past few decades. Everyone seems to want one," says Mark Cox, President of the PGA. The shafts are 1/2 ounce lighter than the steel shafts that placed hickory shafts. One-quarter ounce is added to the weight of the club head, so that the total club is 1/4 ounce lighter than previous clubs.
1968 November 3 "Ladies Golf"
Mrs. Dan Heyburn, 1220 McKinley, president of the Ladies Golf Association of the Miami Country club, will be hostess to members at a fall coffee at 10a.m. Wednesday. Officers for the ensuing year will be introduced.
1968 November 21 "From the Clutter"
Thirty years ago: Defending titlist George Coleman, Jr., won the golf championship at the Miami Country club by defeating Glenn Scott, 5 and 4, in a 36-hole match.