1977 March 4 “Fashions Featured at Brunch of LGA”
“Swing Into Spring” was the theme of the Ladies Golf Association brunch and fashion show Wednesday at the Miami Golf and Country club. Beverly Jackson was hostess. Virginia Romick presented a show featuring styles from the pro-shop and her own Native American designs.
The models were Tammy Romick, Peggy Farrell, Sue Barnes, Mary Newkirk, Billie Pace, Fay Berentz, Rose Pratt and Cindi Lillard.
Pat Platt presided. She introduced golf pro Don Atchison, who spoke on the activities planned for the coming season. He introduced his new assistant, Ron Norton.
Others attending were Peg Murphy, Roma Dahl, Barbara Shouse, Virginia Kerr, Noma Newman, LaVon Young, Yvonne Temple, Gladys Wetzel, Dorothy Gibson, Ruth Heyburn, Sue Enyart, Dorothy Hester, Nancy Ann Johnson, Pattye Moore, Aileen Bradshaw, Pauline Taylor, Rosale Patterson, Mavis Ford, Frances McKinney, Hattie Wall, Jean Ann Blue, Geneva Ramsey, Helen Moore, Evelyn Hatfield and Judy Long.
Guests were Margaret Hadley, Joyce Gilpin, Fern Toye, Jo Gilmore, Ann Chancellor, Judy Adams, Susan Booth, Vijay Reddy, Janice Gatewood, Dena Ander and Ruth McBride.
1977 March 13 “Men’s County Golf Event Set April 2-3”
The second annual Ottawa County men’s golf tournament will be held the weekend of April 2-3 at the Miami Country club. The event is open to area golfers and is under the direction of Al Moffatt and Joe Womastek.
The $25 entry fee will provide for an April 1 practice round and Saturday night events. Through the courtesy of Ken Grissom of Grissom Dist. Co. free beer will be served to tournament golfers while on the golf course. Call Don Atchison at the golf shop (542-2512) to enter the tournament.
1977 March 20 “Tom Housh Shoots Hole-in-One”
The first 1977 hole-in-one on the Miami Country club was fired at 3:45 p.m. Friday by Tom Housh of Miami. While playing an 18-hole round with Don Atchison, local club pro, House gained his ace on the #8, 200-yard, part three hole. The ball hit the front of the green and rolled into the hole. House used a No1 wood driver on the shot. He completed the round with an 82.
1977 March 27 “Joplin Edges Miami Golfers”
1977 Miami High School Golf team members: Will Neel, John Heyburn, Billy Jackson, Brad Kemper, Robbie Garwood, Tom Kidd, James Heyburn, Mike Richardson, and Jerry Holden.
Joplin Parkwood’s Bears edged the Miami Wardogs, 9-8, Friday afternoon in the high school golf matches at the Miami Country club. Medalist of the meet was Miami’s Will Neel, a junior transfer from Grove high school with and 18-hole score of 81. His opponent, Mike Hammon, was runner-up with 83.
The best nine-hole round was 39 by Miami sophomore Billy Jackson. Individual results in the order of their assignments:
#1 Will Neel 81, beat Mike Hammon. #2—Tom Kidd 89, beat Mitch Hicks 89. #3—Dave Pawlus, Parkwood 94 beat Brad Kemper 97. #4—Mark Rains, Parkwood 91 beat Rob Garwood 93. #5 Tim Oftus, Parkwood 97 beat James Heyburn 99. #6—Billy Jackson 87 beat Steve Morgon 91.
1977 March 30 “High School Golf”
Miami high school golfers blanked the Nowata Ironmen, 16-0, Tuesday at the Nowata Country club. A day earlier, Coach Archie Loehr’s Wardogs trounced Columbus 15 ½ to ½ at the Columbus Country club.
Again, junior Will Neel of Miami was medalist with 71 score. Other players winning their matches were Tom Kidd 79, Rob Garwood 80, Brad Kemper 82, Billy Jackson 72
1977 April 4 “Kent Jeffries Takes Title”
Kent Jeffries of Miami led all the way in repeating as champion of the second annual Ottawa County golf tournament. He totaled 151 for 36 holes, with a medalist 74 on Saturday and 77 as the tourney came to an end in light rain late Sunday afternoon.
The tournament drew 101 entries, compared to 75 when it was launched last year. Individual scores for the four flights were: Championship—Kent Jeffries 151, Doc Jackson 157, John Robinson 157, Dr. Elvin Davis 159, Dick Lillard 160, Mark Cordell 161, Charlie Bill Hirsch 161, Mike Craig 161, Dr. W.D. Neal 164, Tom Cordell 165, David Gaines 165, Jack Doan 165, Bill Harsch 167, Brad Smallwood 168, Rex Painter 168, Marion Zajic 168, Scott Jackson 169, Gary West 170, Joe Whipple 172, Brent Bollinger 184.
President’s Flight: Larry Ramsey 169, Brent Rousey 174, David Robinson 174, Stratton Henley 174, Lou Mirjanich 175, Jerry Ketcher 178, Don Cherry 178, Al Moffat 179. Jerry Mustain 182, Tom Housh 183, Mark Wojcik 183, Bud Gaines 183, Wayland Kelly 189, Jim Rutter 193.
A Flight: Ed Schmidt 181, Joe Womastek 183, Tom Holmes 184, Jack Ragsdale 185, Cy Elmburg 187, Chuck Craig 187, Dr. Ray McKinney 188, Jim Thompson 188, Dick Wadleigh 190, Jim Williams 190, George Foster 193, George Wojcik, Akron, Ohio, 192, Bob Paul 193, Harry Whitaker 195.
B Flight: Dabney Smith Jr., 191, Joe Weatherford 193, Mike Long 197, Hank Garwood 201, Chuck Chumbley 205, John Finley III 206, Dennis Fitzgibbon 208, John Burford 209, Dan Mailath 210, George Couch 212, Max Blue 216, Ken Grissom 216, Jody Mayer 242.
1977 April 8 “MHS Golfers Top Baxter”
Wardog golfers of Miami high school added another victory Thursday by defeating Baxter Springs 13-5 at the Miami Country club. Three shared medalist honors with 84 totals for the 18-hole competition. They were Tom Kidd and Will Neel of Miami, and Paul Ashe of Baxter.
Team results: Will Neal 84 won his match; Tom Kidd 84 won his match; Rob Garwood 87 won; Brad Kemper 85 won; Billy Jackson 95 lost and James Heyburn 98 won his match.
1977 April 10 “Miami Ladies Golf”
Winners the past week in Miami Ladies Golf association were: championship Ruth Heyburn, Claire Oliver, LaRue Gaines; Class A, 18 holes—Yvonne Temple; B, 18 holes, Virginia Sapp; Class A 9 holes—Mavis Ford, Rose Pratt, B, 9 holes, Dorothy Hester, Marj Robinson.
Wednesday’s play will be for low gross from the red tees. The pairings are:
9:00 Pat Platt, Faye Berentz, Lib Lillard, Beverly Jackson; Ruth Heyburn, LaVerne Munson, LaRue Gaines, Evelyn Hatfield; Billie Pace, Barbara Shouse, Yvonne Temple, LaVon Young; Jean Ann Blue, Pauline Taylor, Helen Moore, Jo Gilmore; Geneva Ramsey, Noma Newman, Gail Beck, Juanita Henley; Peg Murphy, Judy Long, Virginia Sapp; Mary Van Beber, Rosalie Patterson, Virginia Kerr.
No. 6 Tee 9:00—Gladys Wetzel, Lee Womastek, Mavis For, Nadine Hoffman; Sue Enyart, Beverly Golden, Nancy Johnson, Alice Kidd; Dorothy Gibson, Frances McKinney, Rose Pratt, Hattie Wall; Mary Robinson, Aileen Bradshaw, Dorothy Hester, Pauline Adkison; Roma Dahl, Grace Painter, Helen Stapp.
Afternoon—Marian Richards, Tammy Romick, Marji Grayson, Claire Oliver, Dolly Humes.
1977 April 12 “Tulsa Memorial Repeats”
Tulsa Memorial Chargers repeated as team champions with a four-man team total score of 321, of the annual Miami high school invitational golf tournament that was conducted Monday at the Miami Country club. Medalist honors went to Rusty Kroll of Broken Arrow shooting a 74. Miami junior Will Neel was No. 2 among the 84 contestants with a 75. His score and teammate Tom Kidd’s 80 gave the Wardogs 155 for second behind Jenks in the battle for the two-ball.
Overall, Miami’s Wardogs totaled 338 for eighth place. They finished 15th in the field of 20 teams a year ago with 358.
1977 April 17 “MHS Golf Team Wins at Pryor”
Miami Wardogs defeated Pryor Tigers 13 ½ to 2 ½ Friday on the public course at Pryor. In the No. 1 match Friday at Pryor, Miami’s Will Neel and Steve Katen carded identical 18-hole scores of 37-38-75 for a 2-2 tie. The Wardogs won all other matches: Tom Kidd 85, Rob Garwood 85, Brad Kemper 85, Billy Jackson 86.
L.D. Bains was in charge of the Miami golfers at Pryor while Coach Archie Loehr was serving as coach of the MHS girls in a track meet at Tulsa.
1977 April 26 “Miami Golfers Qualify for State AAA Tourney”
Playing La Fortune golf course in Tulsa Miami Wardogs tied for third with Jenks at 668 to qualify for the state Class AAA golf tournament next week. Monday’s competition winner went to Bartlesville Sooner with 615 followed by Tulsa Mason with 635.
Here is how the Wardogs scored: Will Neel 78, 83 for 161; Billy Jackson 84, 81 for 165; Tom Kidd 85, 84 for 169; Rob Garwood 87, 86 for 173 and Brad Kemper 92, 95 for 187.
Archie Loehr is the Wardog golf coach.
Coach L.D. Bains' Miami high school girls completed their regular schedule last fall and are now preparing for the May 4-5 state girls tournament that will be held at Lincoln Park, OKC. Miami team members are Sandy Jackson, Jenny Landers, Chris Hester, Carol McKinney, and Debbie Jackson.
1977 May 3 “Tulsa’s Tim Leslie Top Shooter in Pro-am”
The Miami Country club hosted the Pro-Am for the SC section of the PGA with twenty golf teams each consisting of one professional and two amateurs. The winning team of the 18-hole competition consisted of pro Jerry Jones, Tulsa La Fortune club and Jim Smith, Tulsa, Don Wiley of Grove, a Jay publisher who is a member of the Miami club. The best ball of each hole counted in team scores. Amateurs played on a handicap basis. Scratch scores counted for the pros.
The pro scores:
71—Tim Leslie, Tulsa CC; 72 Joe McKenzie, Briarbrook club, Joplin, and Bruce Maddox, Tulsa Indian Springs; 76--Don Atchison, Miami, Harold Fisher of Muskogee, and Ross Elder, Tulsa Mohawk; 77—Buddy Phillips, Tulsa Cedar Ridge, and Elmer Sheldon, Tulsa Rolling Hills; 78 Bill Neel, Miami club, Jay Wall, Tulsa Oaks, Rick Reed, Tulsa Cedar Ridge; 79—Kit Thompson, McAlester, Steve Lloyd and Harold Kirk, both of Joplin Schifferdecker; 80—Jerry Jones of Tulsa LaFortune, Don Sechrest; 82—Brad Pullin, Tulsa CC; 83—Bill Snider, Tulsa CC.
Ideal weather prevailed for the competition, but the course was soggy in some spots due to nearly four inches of rain during the weekend.
Team scores, with pros listed first; followed by an amateur from his club and then an amateur from the Miami club:
60—Jerry Jones, Jim Smith, Don Wiley.
62—Kit Thompson, Jon Hammons, and Dick Lillard. Time Leslie, George Rowland and John F. Robinson. Bruce Maddox, Corky Dial and Marion Zajic.
63—Gordon Small, Clark Andrews, John Kerr.
64—Joe McKenzie, Scott Pennington and Lou Mirjanich; Harold Fisher, Bob Dickmann and Joe Womastek; Jay Wall, Dave Burton and Marshall Smith; Steve Lloyd, Mei Ipeck and George Foster.
65—Ross Elder, Toby Sanders, and Bob Adams.
66—Don Atchison, Mike Craig, Bob Paul; Buddy Phillips, Bob Eskridge, and Tom Holmes; Rick Reed, Bill Heldmann, and Dan Mailath; Jerry Rogers, Bob Karlovich, and Hank Garwood; Elmer Sheldon, Don Russell and Dick Wadleigh.
67—Bill Neel, Larry Ramsey, and Bob Thomas; Harold Kirk, Lanny Hopkins, and Bill Hatfield.
68—Brad Pullin, Tom Russell, and Tom Cordell.
69—Don Sechrest, Dr. W.D. Jackson, Dr. Raymond McKinney; Bill Snider, Guy Ball and Bill Harsch.
(Don Sechrest, who played the country club in various events went on to design the new nine and created the 18-hole golf course in the late 1970's. He was a well known golf architect of over 90 courses, and played on the OSU golf team in the 1950's.)
1977 May 3 “State Golf Event Leaders”
Miami Wardog golfers are playing in the final 18 holes of the Class AAA state tournament on the Tulsa Mohawk course today after posting a total score of 657 for the first 36 holes on Monday placing them in eighth place. Individual scoring for Coach Archie Loehr’s Wardogs: Will Neel, 76-78-154; Tom Kidd 85-78-163; Rob Garwood 85-89-174; Brad Kemper 89-77-166; Billy Jackson 100-89-189.
The girls Class AAA high school girls state tournament will be held Wednesday and Thursday at Lincoln Park, OKC. Members of the team coached by L.D. Bains are Sandy Jackson, Jenny Landers, Chris Hester, Carol McKinney and Debbie Jackson.
1977 May 8 “Beverly Jackson, Evelyn Hatfield win”
Mrs. Beverly Jackson and Mrs. Evelyn Hatfield of Miami won the low net championship of the annual Joplin Jenny Golf Classic at Twin Hills Country club.
Thirty-six teams played a total of 36 holes on a best-ball basis for each hole. The Miamians carded 66 on Thursday and 67 Friday for a total score of 133-six better than a the 139 by the Springfield, Missouri team. The champions received a trophy and $100 gift certificate. Other teams came from St. Louis, Kansas City, Tulsa, Wichita, and intervening points.
1977 May 8 “Miami Pro Hole-in-One”
Whether it’s your first or your third, a golf hole-in-one is “one big thrill.” Take it from Don Atchison, who aced the No. 17 hole at the Miami Country club Saturday afternoon. He is the local pro.
Atchison holed out from the tee with a 3 wood on the 231-yard par 3 enroute to a round of 76. It was the third ace of Atchison’s career and occurred while playing with a fivesome including Kent Jeffries, John F. Robinson, John Robinson, Jr., and Rick Carter, a guest from Ada.
1977 May 8 “Miami Ladies Golf”
Miami ladies golf winners in regular play the past week were: championship—Claire Oliver, Billie Pace, Beverly Jackson, and Faye Berentz; Class A, 18 holes—LaVon Young; B 18 holes—Dolly Humes; A. 9 holes, Aileen Bradshaw and Nancy Johnson; B 9 holes Dorothy Hester. A golf clinic conducted by Don Atchison, club pro, will be held 11 a.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday and at 10a.m. Thursday.
Sunrise League play will begin at 8am Tuesday with a shotgun start.
1977 May "Jonya Stapp Drive for the Green"
*Clips from an article written about Jonya in spring 1977...her thoughts...
"I like to perform and golf is performing. Yet singing and playing the guitar can be called performing. You have to be so competitive in golf. I don't think about beating the other person in singing. In this sense, music can come easier to me than golf."
"In my case, I need all the mental conditioning I can get because 90 percent of golf is concentration...You have to have the desire to go out and beat somebody," she continued, "but I have never had that. I guess my problem may be that I am a little chicken. I need someone to push me."
1977 June 5 “Junior Golf League Begins”
Play started Friday at the Miami Country club for junior golfers. Friday’s winners were:
Two-hole flight; Julie Rieger and Byron Butler.
Four-hole flight: Kelly Foster, Steve Becker.
B Flight: Corrine Smith, Meade Monger, Kary Cooper.
A Flight: Miss Wright, Debbie Jackson, Matthew Monger.
Championship: Tom Kidd, Brad Kemper.
Pairings for June 10: Two-hole flight Marshall Smith and Stephen Long, scorer Joyce Rutter; Ronnie Coker, Jimmy Rutter and Jeff Parrot, scorer Judy Adams; Mason Goodmon, Richie Lillard and Robert Elmburg, scorer Betty Parrott; Monty Gilpin, Byron Butler and Howard Condren, scorer March Goodmon. Julie Rieger and Laurie Adams, scorer Becky Austin; Sherri Atchison, Heather Schmidt and Rachel Couch, scorer Margaret Hadley.
Four-hole flight: Danny McKinney, Matthew Landford and Mike Platt, scorer Kay Condren; Colby Miller and Larry Gust, scorer Judy Long; Kevin Mills, Tommy Rieger, and Steve Becker, scorer Mrs. Canfield. Kathy Smith and Gretchen Couch, scorer Barbara Gust; Kathy Jeffries and Misti Painter, scorer Linda Elmburg; Mary Kidd, Kelly Foster and Christy Smith, scorer Sharon Jeffries.
Nine-hole flight boys; John Garrett, Darren Foster, Keith Neel, Meade Monger, Billy Canfield, Jeff Mills, and Kary Cooper; Chrissie Neal and Corinne Smith.
A Flight: Matthew Monger, Raymond McKinney, Billy Jackson and Brent Landers; Debbie Jackson, Missy Wright, Tracey Wright, Sally Neal and Amber Condren.
Championship: Tom Kidd, Brad Kemper and Shandy Jackson. Play begins each Friday morning at 8:30 preceded by a lesson.
1977 June 19 “Miami Women’s Handicap Meet Begins” Pairings have been announced for the annual Miami Ladies Golf Association Handicap Tournament beginning Monday and ending Wednesday. Monday pairings:18 holes: 8:00 Evelyn Hatfield, Beverly Jackson; 8:05 LaRue Gaines, Geneva Ramsey; 8:15 Barbara Shouse, Juanita Henley; 8:20 Mary VanBeber, Virginia Kerr; 8:25 Dolly Humes, Peg Murphy; 8:30 Pauline Taylor, Joyce Rutter.
9 holes: 8:35 Mavis Ford, Hattie Wall; 8:40 Rose Pratt, Ann chancellor, 8:45 Roma Dahl, Dorothy Hester, Nadine Hoffman.
1977 June 24 “Tournament Winners”
Pictured above are the winners of the annual handicap tournament for the MCC Ladies golf association. Top rankings for the three-day tournament here went to, from left: Pat Platt, first in 18-hole play; Evelyn Hatfield and Beverly Jackson, tied for second in 18-hole play; Rose Pratt, first in nine-hole competition; Dorothy Hester, second and Roma Dahl and Ann Chancellor, tied for third in nine-hole play.
1977 June 26 “Sandy Jackson Winner”
Sandy Jackson, 17, of Miami, carded a 94 Friday to take top honors in the championship flight for the 18th annual Mabel Hotz Memorial tournament at the Miami Country club. Miss Jackson, who won the championship flight in the same tournament two years ago and finished just one stroke off the pace last year, finished two shots ahead of Kathy Knez of Springfield, Missouri.
The tournament’s traveling trophy for the lowest over-all score went to Stephanie Jackson, Springfield, Missouri competing in the A flight. Her 18-hole total of 92 was one shot better than Vickie Reynolds’s 93. In B flight ages 12-13, Corinne Smith of Miami took top honors after a play-off with Mary Scaletty. In C flight, for ages 11 and under, Kathy Jeffries, Miami with a 4-hole score of 45. Miami’s second place went to Cathy Smith of Miami.
Other Miami girls playing were Chrissie Neal who won putting honor in B flight, Jenny Landers, Debbie Jackson, and Sherri Atchison.
Tournament winner in the 18th annual Miami Girls Invitational Mabel Hotz Memorial golf tournament went to, front row from left, Kathy Jeffries, Cathy Smith, Corinne Smith, Kelley Cornell and Chrissie Neal; back row, Robin Oberton, Stephanie Jackson, Carrie Williams, Kathy Knez, Nancy Patterson, Vickie Reynolds and Sandy Jackson.
1977 July 5 “Gaines-Robinson Win”
David Gaines and John Robinson are the champions of the annual men’s four-ball golf tournament at the Miami Country club. Final matches during the weekend completed the competition of the past few weeks:
The results: Championship flight—Gaines and Robinson defeated Mike Craig and Mark Wojcik; President’s—Jerry Mustain and Bob Thomas beat Tom Holmes and Wayland Kelly; A—Joe Womastek and Mike Long beat Paul Davis and John Doty. B—John Finley III and Les Ellison beat George Couch and Mike Sexton.
1977 July 6 “Junior Golf”
Because of inclement weather, Miami Junior golf competition was cancelled last week. Pairing and scorers remain the same for Friday rounds the MCC. The scorers are Cindy Lillard, Judy Long, Betty Parrott, Joyce Rutter, Linda Elmburg, Beverly Foster, Suzie Painter, Corrine Smith and Barbara Gust.
1977 July 17 “Ladies Golf”
Winners in the past week’s competition for the Miami Ladies Golf association were championship—Billie Pace; Class A 18, 9 holes Yvonne Temple, Nadene Hoffman; Class B 18, 9 holes Juanita Henley, Margaret Hadley.
1977 July 17
Winners and Runners-up in various divisions of the annual Miami junior golf program at the Miami Country club were, front row from left, Julie Rieger 1st 2-hole girls; Marshall Smith, 1st 2-hole boys; Richie Lillard, 2nd in 2-hole boys; Mary Kidd, 1st 4-hole, Misti Painter, 2nd in 4-hole.
Second row, Steve Becker, 1st 4-hole; Danny McKinney, 2nd 4-hole; David Robinson 1st class B boys, Keith Neel, 2nd B: Corrine Smith 1st B girls, Chrissie Neal 2nd B.
Third row, Matthew Monger, 1st A, Billy Jackson 2nd A; Sally Neal 1st in A girls, and Wendi Humes, 2nd.
Top row: Sandy Jackson, 1st girls championship flight; Ana Reasor, 1st boys championship flight, and Brad Kemper, 2nd in boys title flight. Not pictured, Heather Schmidt, 2nd in 2-hole girls.
1977 July 24 “Boys 17th Annual Jr. Golf
Mike Hammond, 17, who will be a senior at Joplin Parkwood high school, won the championship of Friday’s 17th annual Boys Golf tournament. There were 85 entries from four states. Hammond carded 36-40-76, to succeed David Bonham of Springfield, Mo, who won last year with a 77. Shawn Barker of Bartlesville, with a score of 77, was just a stroke behind for runner-up honors.
The competition, under the direction of club pro Don Atchison and Mrs. Beverly Jackson, was played during excellent weather conditions. A tin overcast most of the day prevented normal summer heat from becoming oppressive.
1977 August 2 “Twilight Golf Tallied”
Final results in the men’s twilight league golf competition at the Miami Country club were released today, according to Don Atchison, Miami CC pro.
There was a tie between team No. 8 composed of Al White, Tome Barton, G.R. White and Clarence Carselowey and3 of No. 3 of Mike Craig, Ed Schmidt, Don Barr and Schooner Schmidt. Both squads accumulated 59 ½ points during the competition which began in May.
Third place honors went to team No. 12, made up of Mike Long, John Finley III, Mike Sexton, and George Couch, while team No. 4 of John Robinson, Jr., David Robinson, Pat Wilson, and Jim Thompson was nosed out by a 56-55 ½ score. Team No. 6 composed of Bob Paul, Colin Wright, Frank Munoz, and Bob Lollar, finished fifth in the competition with a total of 51 points.
1977 August 2 “Two Teams Tie for Honors”
There was a two-way tie for the top spot in the parent-child championship golf tournament held Sunday at the Miami Golf and Country Club. The team of Jan and Sally Neal finished in a deadlock with Ray and Tracy Enyart for top honors, as both teams carded a nine-hole total of 36.
Rick Adams and Brent Landers nabbed third place honors with a 37 and there was a five-way logjam for fourth, between the teams of Tom Holmes-Brad Kemper; John Mirjanich-Billy Jackson; Joe Knapp-John Becker, Jr,; John Becker, Sr-Steve Becker and Beverly and Sandy Jackson.
A total of 22 parent and child teams took part in the competition.
1977 August 3 “Miamians Place in Tri-State”
Miami had a large delegation the past weekend in the annual Tri-State Women’s Golf tournament at the Hillcrest Country club in Bartlesville. Those who placed from Miami were:
A fight- Evelyn Hatfield,5th
B—Billie Pace,4th
C—Claire Oliver, 5th
D—LaRue Gaines, 4th
E—Marji Grayson, first
F—Helen Moore, tie for 6th
Beverly Jackson qualified for the championship fight with a score of 90. Others attending from Miami were Geneva Ramsey, Yvonne Temple, Jean Ann Blue, Faye Berentz, Pat Platt, Lavon Young, Marian Richards, Juanita Henley, and LaVerne Munson.
1977 August 17 (Enid News) “State Senior Golf Tourney”
Following Tuesday’s qualifying round, four fights have been established for today’s opening day of match play in the state senior golf association four-ball tournament, going on at Oakwood Country Club.
A16-team flight has been established for championship flight, which features the top golfers from Oklahoma. Entrants must be at least 50 years of age to qualify.
Defending champions John Robinson and W.D. Jackson of Miami had an opening round score of 73, however, the defending champions were four strokes off the pace of the leaders. Eddie Smith and Ralph Tate fired an opening round of 69 to pace the teams.
In the association’s first tournament of the year, held in June at the Muskogee Country club, Robinson won the medal play tournament.
1977 August 18 “Defending Champs Fall”
John Robinson and W.D. Jackson, the defending champions for the state senior golf four-ball tournament lost their opening round match Wednesday. Frank O’Brien and Haskell Graves combined to dump Robinson and Jackson two up. Robinson and Jackson now drop into the consolation bracket.
1977 August 21 “Beverly Jackson Nabs Title”
Thanks to a second-day score of 87, Beverly Jackson nabbed top honors in the Championship Flight of the Miami Ladies Golf association’s club championship which concluded Thursday at the Miami Country club. The three-day tournament kicked off Tuesday morning.
Jackson shot scores of 91, 86, 97 for 274 over the three days to take the top spot and outdistance runner-up Claire Oliver, who carded 96-96-96-288. Winners in other flights were Geneva Ramsay 18-hole A flight; Juanita Henley, 18-hole B flight; Mavis Ford in the nine-hole A flight and Finella Toye in the nine-hole B flight.
Other ladies in the field were Evelyn Hatfield, Pat Platt, Billie Pace, LaVerne Munson, LaRue Gains, Lib Lillard, LaVon Young, Marian Richards, Yvonne Temple, Noma Newman, Rosalie Patterson, Rose Pratt, Hattie Wall, and Mayne Munson.
1977 August 28 “Robinson Nets Honors”
Turning in an even-par score of 36, John Robinson, Jr., captured first place in the horse race low handicapper golf competition Friday night at the Miami Country club.
Trailing Robinson were Kent Jeffries, 2nd, Tom Cordell 3rd, Dr. W.D. Jackson 4th, Dr. W.D. Neal, 5th, Jack Doan 6th, Marshall Smith 7th, Dick Lillard 8th, Mike Craig 9th, and Bill Hirsch 10th.
1977 September 4 “MHS Girls Drop First Match”
The Miami high school girls’ golf team dropped their season opener, 6-1 to Independence, Kan., Friday afternoon at the Miami country club. Robin Wahltman of Independence was the medalist.
Members of the Miami team include Sandy Jackson, Jenny Landers, Debbie Jackson, Ann Dohrmann, Sally Neal, Wendi Humes, and Trace Craig.
1977 September 9 “Miami Girls Take Meet”
The Miami high school girls golf team outlasted host Carl Junction and Girard, Kans., to capture top honors in a triangular meet held at the Briarbrook Country club.
Miami won all of the possible six points in the action as Sandy Jackson, Jenny Landers, Debbie Jackson and Sally Neal all defeated their opponents. Miami also won a point for having the low team total and Sandy Jackson picked up a bonus point for Miami for turning in the medalist score of 43 for nine-holes.
1977 September 9 “Miami Men’s Invitational Golf”
Some 106 golfers from seven states will be gunning for top honors as the 22nd Annual Miami Country club men’s invitational unfolds Saturday morning. Pursie Pipes, an oil well drilling contractor from Mount Vernon, Illinois is the defending tournament champion, and he will be gunning for an unprecedented fifth tournament title.
For the women, a floral style show for contestants’ wives and other guests will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday. Chuck Levo of Johnson’s Greenhouse in Miami is in charge. In addition, dances have been slated for tonight and tomorrow night at the club.
1977 September 10 "Kent Jeffries Leads Local Tourney"
Withstanding a triple bogey on the 18th hole, Kent Jeffries of Miami holds the first round lead in the Miami Country club's men's invitational golf tournament.
Jeffries carded a 72 to maintain the lead heading into Sunday's final round. In at 74 were Jim Scaletty of Springfield, while Dan Tourtelot of Joplin and Romie Holder of Tulsa each carded 75's.
Terry Key, Joplin, and Everett Perriman, Springfield were in the next group with 76s and there was a six-way logjam at 77 between Tom Cordell, Ron Sparkman, John Robinson, Jr.,Mark Cordell, Robert Shephard and Larry Hickey.
1977 September 11 “Stewart Nabs Local Tournament”
Bill Stewart of Springfield captured his second Miami Invitational Golf championship by outlasting Miamian Kent Jeffries in a two-hole playoff Sunday afternoon at the Miami Country club.
Stewart, who had previously won the tournament in 1972, posted the win after Jeffries wound up in a trap on the right side of the second hole. The two had completed Sunday’s round with 110 scores.
Rain on Sunday morning threatened to wash out the tournament as only seven holes had been played by the early squad, but skies cleared, and play resumed around 1:30. Only nine holes were played Sunday.
Jeffries led the field during the first round by carding a 72 while Stewart came in with 74. “I thought I played good,” Stewart said. “It is great to win the tournament. This was a real good test today.” Stewart noted that he had not missed the fairway all day, turning in 11 pars along the way.
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Doc Jackson and Joe Whipple |
In President’s fight, Dr. David Jones of Chanute, Kan., picked up a one-stroke victory over Bob Adams and Dick Lillard, both of Miami.
There also was a tie for fourth between Milt McKensie of Tulsa and John Robinson, Sr., as both came in with 119s. In the A flight, Bill Harsch grabbed top honors with 121 while Pat Wilson and Jim Woodard of Columbus, Kan., finished in a second play tie with scores of 123.
B flight proved to be the tightest field as there was a two-way tie for first and a five-way logjam for the fourth spot. Don cherry of Miami, and Keith Dowell, Bentonville, Ark., nabbed top spots with 127s while Jack Doan, tied with 129s.
Finishing in a tie for third were Swede Tilberg, Shawnee Mission, Kan., Corkey Dial of Broken Arrow, both had scores of 132 while Cy Elmburg of Miami shot 133.
Jim Rutter of Miami captured the D flight with a 137.
1977 September 13 “MHS Girls Win Third Golf Match”
The Miami High School girls golf team chalked up their third straight win on the season Monday as MHS turned back Joplin Parkwood and Memorial 6-0 in Miami. Sandy Jackson was the medalist for Miami with a 42. Jenny Landers, Debbie Jackson and Sally Neal also were victorious against their opponents.
1977 September 18 “Zajic Captures Final Golf Event”
Marion Zajic won the final men’s horse race golf competition held Friday night at the Miami Country club. Zajic outdistanced second place finisher Clarence Carselowey and Jim Rutter, who nabbed third. Other finishers from fourth to tenth include Cliff Gust, Joe Thompson, Bud May, John Doty, John Burford, Al White, and Charlie Trussler.
1977 September 21 “Miami Takes Second”
The Miami High School girls’ golf team placed second in a quadrangular meet at the Four Oaks Golf course in Pittsburg, Kan., Tuesday afternoon. Pittsburgh won the meet with a low team score of 302 while the MHS girls scored a 306. Also taking part in the action were Nevada, Mo. At 322 and Caney, Kan., 390.
Sandy Jackson of Miami was the medalist while MHS’s Jenny Landers tied with Kelly Gordon of Nevada for third medalist honors.
1977 September 29 “Atchison Takes Second”
Don Atchison, professional at the Miami Country club, finished in a two-way tie for second place in the Art Wadkins Memorial Pro-Am tournament played Twin Hills Golf and Country club in Joplin.
Atchison and Bob Stone of Kansas City, Mo., fired even par 72’s to share runner-up honors in the individual race and each pocketed $312.50. Richard Poe, professional golfer and coach of the University of Missouri golf team, won the tourney with a three-under-par 69.
1977 October 3 “Fall Scramble”
The foursome of Dick Lillard, Frank Remis, Schooner Schmidt, and Glenn Conway carded a six-under-par, 66 and nabbed top honors in the Men’s Fall scramble held Sunday at the Miami Country club. A total of 17 teams and 68 players participated in the action.
There was a five-way logjam in second place with identical 68’s, so a playoff was used to determine the next five places.
The team of Dick Neel, John Doty, Mike Sexton and Jeff Parrott won the playoff and nailed down second place honors while the team of Mike Craig, H.D. Robinson, George Foster, and Dan Mailath placed third. The foursome of Dr. W.D. Jackson, Corbin Shouse, Paul Davis, and Al Williams were fourth, while fifth place honors went to the team of Stratton Henley, Don Barr, Woody Painter, and George Couch. Taking sixth were John Robinson, Jr., Jim Wooley, Jim Rutter and Jim Riley.
1977 October 4 “Miami Girls Win Again”
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This picture of the Girls Golf team appears in the spring 1978 yearbook. |
The MHS girls’ golf team closed out its home schedule Monday by turning back Pittsburg, Kan., in matches played at the Miami Country club. Sandy Jackson was medalist with a 52 and the Miami girls had the low team score with a 304 compared to 347 for Pittsburg.
1977 October 7 “Miami Girls Golf”
The MHS girls’ golf team turned in third and sixth place finishes in meets played the last two days at the season nears an end. Miami turned in a sixth place finish at SW Missouri State University with Sandy Jackson carding a 42-44-86 to lead the Miami efforts while Debbie Jackson carded a 96, Ann Dohrmann posted a 123 and Sally Neal shot a 126, giving MHS a team total of 431. Glendale High School nabbed top honors with 365.
The MHS girls placed third in a triangular meet played at Independence, Kan., with a team score of 215 with Sandy Jackson heading the Miami efforts with a 46, while Robin Whitman of Independence had the low score of 38.
1977 October 16 “NEO Alumni Claim Title”
The team of Dr. W.D. Jackson, Ray McKinney, Rick White and Orville Qualls won a pitch-off with two other teams and nabbed first place honors in the annual Northeastern A&M Alumni golf tournament held Saturday morning at the Miami Country club.
The top team had a score of 65 and tied with the team of Gene Holder, Howard Condren, Hank Garwood, and Gale Black and with the team of David Shaffer, Jerry Henrbrick, and Lloyd Cole for first place, forcing the pitch-off.
Placing fourth was the team of John Robinson, Jr., Charlie Bill Hirsch, George Couch and Dick Edwards. The seventh-place team in at 68 was Ron Sparkman, Bill Melton, Barney Barnett and Charles Yates. There was a two-way tie for eighth place honors between the team of Miles Grove, Bob Paul, Jerry Mustain, and Jim Isley and the team of Kent Jeffries, Ed Terrell, Max Blue and Gary Royal both teams scoring 69’s.
The 10th place team was Doug Bond, Don Wiley, and Jim Rutter while Marvin Harrison, Jim Reese and Al Moffatt teamed us to nab 11th place. Taking 12th place in the meet was the team of Ed Schmidt, Larry Ketcher, Don Street, and Ewo Giles.
We end the year with the news that broke our hearts.
1977 October 20 “Rock Stars Crash”
Six persons, including three members of the Lynyrd Skynyrd rock band, were killed when their two-engine airplane crashed while attempting an emergency landing. Twenty others were injured in the Thursday night crash.
The propeller driven Convair 240 skidded across three tops for about 100 yards, then slammed nose first into a swampy area and split wide open about eight miles short of the McComb airport after reporting it was “having fuel trouble or was running low on fuel,” an air traffic controller reported.
The dead were lead singer Ronnie Van Zant; guitarist Steve Gaines and his sister, vocalist, Cassie Gaines, pilot Walter McCreary; co-pilot William John Gray, and Dean Kilpatrick, assistant road manager for the group.
Gaines and his sister were from Miami, Oklahoma, where their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. (Bud) Gaines, Jr., reside.
The group was formed in Jacksonville, Florida, producing its first album in 1973. It earned its first $1 million golf album with “Second Helping” in 1974. Later albums sold a million copies each for the group, noted for its hard-driving rock and unrestrained performances. The band’s fifth album released October 17, was “Street Survivors”.