Ladies enjoying a drink at the club....Mary Lou Wickham on far right.
1965 February 16 Miami News Record "Society Page"
This is an example of the social side of the country club and the affluent town of Miami in the 1960's.
Mrs. Timberlake, the former Miss Patricia Gibson of Miami, was honored at numerous prenuptial courtesies this winter. Mrs. John F. Robinson entertained a brunch, and Mrs. M.C. Bagby chose the Miami Country club as the setting for a dessert luncheon in honor of the bride.
The home of Mrs. Vernon Sapp was the setting for a brunch and linen shower. Mrs. Paul Wilson, Mrs. Tom Bomford and Mrs. Stanley Ulmer were co-hostesses.
A kitchen shower at the Miami Country club was given by Mrs. Dewey Sims, Mrs. Robert Nesbitt, and Mrs. Tom Cordell.
A recipe shower was held in the home of Mrs. John Wallace with Mrs. Ben T. Owens assisting. The bridesmaids' luncheon at the Miami Country club was hosted by Mrs. Frank Lacaff and Mrs. Frank Lasky (Jody Lacaff Lasky).
1965 March 30 "Pryor Tigers Nip War Dog Golfers"
Pryor Tigers defeated the Miami War Dogs, 3 1/2 to 1 1/2 in a high school golf match Monday afternoon at the Miami Country club. Tom Howard of Pryor, medalist with a score of 41, edged Mark Wojcik, 42; Woody Painter, 45 defeated Schaeffer, 49; Stanley of Pryor, 47 beat Bill Oliver, 51; Emerson of Pryor, 42, defeated Jim Thompson.
Miami will meet OMA prep golfers here Thursday afternoon and will host the annual invitational high school boys tournament next week.
**Personal note: Several of the high school boys and junior high boys who played golf at the country club were known to through clubs, break clubs, and have temper tantrums on the golf course. By my father's values and rules, no one was allowed to exhibit such outburst. There is no record of how many times several of the above boys were kicked off the golf course. I only recall that Dad would call home and ask their parents to come pick them up. There was no argument from the parents, only a great deal of respect for my father.
Since my father held that rule for young people, he was obliged on several occasions to ask grown men to leave the golf course.
1965 April 4 "Schoolboy Golf Tourney Slated Monday in Miami"
Twenty-five teams are scheduled to compete Monday in the eighth annual Miami high school invitational golf tournament at the Miami Country club.Back as defending champions in all three trophy divisions are the Tulsa Central Braves, who led the field of 15 teams last year. Hale is another strong entry. Among the 10 teams from Oklahoma City and suburbs if O.C. Hardin, two-time team champion of the local meet.
Other O.C. teams are Southeast, Northeast, Northwest, Marshall, Classen, Grant and Capitol Hill. Midwest City and Del City are the other O.C. entries. Other teams include Stillwater, Claremore, OMA, Sand Springs, Muskogee, Nowata, Pryor, Okmulgee, Tahlequah, and Miami. Contenders will also be here from Coffeyville, Parsons, and Joplin.
Mark Wojcik, Woody Painter and Bill Oliver will play with the Miami team. The fourth team member will be chosen from Jim Thompson, Gary West, and Jon Street.
Ross Elder of Tulsa Central was medalist last year with a 39-36-75 card. Again, he is the No. 1 member of the Central team.
1965 April 6 "Tulsa Central in Golf Sweep Again"
For the second straight year Tulsa Central's Braves made a clean sweep of the top honors in the Miami High School invitational golf tournament. Coach Eddie Sutton's sharpshooting seniors captured three trophies.
Medalist, Ross Elder shot a two-under par 37-33-70. Monday's score of 33 is the best nine hole score for the tournament. Two-ball honors went to Elder and Jim Arnold. Four-ball went to Central's 303 on the scores by Elder, Arnold, Roger Banzhof, and Larry Meason. The total was the lowest in tournament history, as were medalist and two-ball figures. Tulsa Hale took second, followed by Stillwater and Muskogee. The tournament was conducted under the direction of MHS coach Bill Watkins, in cooperation with the club pro, Johnie F. Stapp.
Picture on right: Miami High School golf coach Bill Watkins provided protection for three of his golfers while this picture was snapped during the rain immediately after Monday's tournament. From left are Mark Wojcik, Wood Painter, and Bill Oliver.
1965 April 28 "Miami Jr. High School Golfers"
Miami junior high school golfers lost to Columbus, Kan., juniors by 11-6 score at the Columbus Country club. Richard Varley's 45 was the best score for the Miami team, but his opponent gained medalist honors with 43 for the nine holes.
Scores posted by other Miami team members were: Jim Painter 49, Charles Grayson 50, Scott Jackson 55, Mark Cordell 50, Rodney Street 52, Tim Schofield 52, Bob Gaines 54. Non contestant players were John Reynolds, David Adams, Jeff Butcher, and Andy Bailey.
Miami junior girls shut out their Columbus opponents with these scores: Jonya Stapp 54, Karen Jeffries 60, Tammy Romick 64. Girls who did not compete were: Clara Searle,Carol Searle, Forrestette Turner, Simmy Peacock, Nancy Adams, Billie Bennett, Nancy Nesbitt and Nancy Cordell.
The Miami juniors are coached by Mrs. Claire Oliver.
1965 May 14 "Tri-City Golf Rounds at Miami Club Sunday"
The Miami Country club will be host Sunday to men of Joplin and Springfield, Missouri, in the first matches of the 1965 inter-club golf tournament. Tee off will be at 11:30am. Eighty-eight golfers are expected. Joplin won the inter-club trophy last year. At the close of the golf rounds, there will be a buffet and dance from 6:00-8:00pm.
Miami players are: John Robinson, Dr. W.D. Jackson, Dick Neel, Dick Lillard, Dr. W.D. Neal, Bob Temple, C.Casky, Harry Gilmore, Al White, G.R. White, Ray Coburn, Stratton Henley, Kermit Lewis, Rex Painter, George Windham, Woodrow Painter, Charles Trussler, Marion Zajic, Tom Cordell, Buck Bagby, George Wojcik, Pat Campbell, Tom Forbes, and V.J. Orcutt, Dr. Richard Varley, George Meyers, Bill Oliver, Delmer Barnes, Lloyd Cowgill, Jack Brown. Low scores from 20 players from each city will be counted in the official competition.
1965 May 30 "Four-Ball Tournament Is Launched at Country Club"
First-round competition in the annual men's four-ball tournament at Miami Country club must be completed today. Pairings for next week: Stratton Henley and Clarence Caskey vs Bill carter and Delmer Barnes; K.C. Jeffries and Harry Kenreigh vs. Dr. Bill Neal and Dick Lillard; George Wojcik and Bernie Schaff vs Jack Schofield and Dr. Ray McKinney; Bill Neel and Joel Ridenour vs Jim Smallwood and Jack Brown.
Tom Barton and Harry Gilmore vs Bob Temple and Dr. W.D. Jackson; Al Williams and Harry Whitaker vs Jim Richard and Art Goettel; Tom Forbes and Dick Neel, Jr., vs Woodrow Painter and Lloyd Cowgill; Lou Mirjanich and George Romick vs George Parker and John McLaughlin.
*Notice the language used in these times as referenced to the Space Race.
1965 May 30 "Foursome Golf Play Today"
Scotch foursomes golf matches are scheduled today at the Miami Country club, beginning with a shotgun start at 4 p.m (Shot gun starts were usually started by my father, when he would pull out an M-80, lite it, then toss it into the air.)
No. 1 tee--Virginia Romick and Don Curlee; Millie Carter ad Joe Ridenour; Wanda Jo Brown and Kermit Lewis.
No. 2 tee--Marilyn Adams and Harry Whitaker; Lois Cowles and Fuzz Lillard; Dona Ridenour and Jim Smallwood.
No. 3 tee--Lib Lillard and Les Whitney; Louise Curlee and Tom Housch; Sarah Mirjanich and Jack Schofield.
No. 4 tee--Jean Phillips and tom Wilson; Jo Ann Smallwood and Dan Heyburn; Sue Giffhorn and Charles Trussler.
No. 5 tee--Stormy Lewis and Bill Carter; Dorothy Schofield and Jack Brown; Ruth Heyburn and Lou Mirjanich.
No. 6 tee--Louise Whitney and Charles Phillips; Virginia Wilson and Jack Adams; Elizabeth Hansford and George Romick.
No. 7 tee--Jane Trussler and Doug Phillips; Erin Wojcik and Bill Giffhorn.
No. 8 tee--Mavis Ford and Frank Hansford; Lottie Mae Russell and George Wojcik.
1965 May 30 "Sunrise League Play for Ladies Begins Tuesday"
The annual competition in the Miami Ladies Sunrise golf league will begin Tuesday at the Country club. Entry fee of $2.00 must be paid before teeing off. All matches must start no later than 10 a.m. with opponents arranging their own times. Pairings:
Evelyn Hatfield vs Fay Berentz;Erin Wojcik vs Hattie Wall; Lottie Russell vs Lois Cowles; Gladys Wetzel vs Val Dale; Lib Lillard vs Barbara Shouse; Helen Jones vs. Ruth Fullerton.
Lois Garwood vs Helen Stapp; Mavis Ford vs. Jean Phillips; Beverly Jackson vs Pat Horner; Virginia Sapp vs La Rue Gaines; Inez Blizzard vs Helen Moore; Mary Lou Wickham vs Dorothy Schofield. Players are responsible for substitutes, if necessary.
1965 June "Personal Memory of Doug Phillips" I remember when the bus arrived from Tulsa each summer bringing the girls to play in our Girls Invitational. My favorite was watching Susie Friels play golf. I also recall the lady who ran the Girls Junior Golf program in the state. Her name was Mabel Hotz. One time on the putting green at the country club she was giving a golf lesson on putting. This is what she said, "Never up. Never In." I have never forgotten that advice.
1965 June 10 "Okmulgee Champions"
Leaders in the Okmulgee Girls Jr. Invitational are: Susan Basolo, winner; Louise Stekoll, runner-up; Vicki Bell, A flight winner; Susan Russell, Miami, runner-up; Susan Silver, B flight winner; Karen Jeffries and Jonya Stapp of Miami, second and third place respectively (the photo was too blurry to share).
1965 June 24 "Junior Girl Invitational Golf Tourney Here Friday"
Susan Basolo of Muskogee, defending champion and more than 70 other girls will compete Friday in the Miami's sixth annual girls invitational. Sponsored by the Miami Ladies Golf association, the local invitational is the largest in the state for junior girls.
The majority of girls will be from Tulsa. They will make the trip by chartered bus and with them again this year will be Mrs. Mabel Hotz, state chairman for junior girls golf 14 years before retirement from the volunteer post in 1962.
1965 June 27 "Susan Basolo of Muskogee Captures Title Third Time"
Susan Basolo, who may well be on her way to one of the greatest golfers in history for Oklahoma's feminine ranks, said farewell to Miami junior invitational tournament with her third straight win shooting an 84. Runner-up here was Louise Stekoll of Okmulgee with 92. Rita Albertson of Tulsa won third place in a sudden-death playoff with Pam Lloyd. Other Championship scores are: Janis Bell, 101; Diane Lukken, 103, Letty Stapp, 103, Ann Durand 104. Letty Stapp was the low putts winner and Diane Lukken won the longest drive.
*Sadly, Susan passed away ten years ago. This is a tribute I wrote about her, as she was my nemesis and friend Herstory: Susan Basolo
Other Miami girls playing: Barbara Bomford, Carol Brown, Jonya Stapp, Karen Jeffries, Sally Meyer, Judy Berentz, Tammy Romick, Nancy Nesbitt--first place C flight;Nancy Reese, 2nd place C flight; Suzy Wickham, Forestette Turner, Becky Nesbitt, Rebecca Mirjanich, Tanya Reese, Elaine Butcher, Renee Barnes,Kim Feronti, Ann Cordell, Diane Dean.
1965 June 28 "Cowgill-Painter Take Title"
For the second straight year, Lloyd Cowgill and Woodrow Painter are champions of the annual four-ball golf tournament at the Miami Country club. In Sunday's finals, they defeated Harry Kenreigh and K.C. Jeffries.
The champions reached the finals with victories over Dickie Neel-Tom Forbes, George Parker-John McLaughlin, and Art Goettel-Jim Richard.
Kenreigh-Jeffries climbed with victories over Dick Lillard--Dr.Bill Neal, Stratton Henley--Clarence Caskey, and Bill Neel-Joel Ridenour.
1965 July 4 "Fireworks to Follow Golf Competition Here Monday"
Scotch foursome golf competition is scheduled Monday evening at the Miami CC beginning at 4 o'clock. A buffet dinner and fireworks display will conclude the evening activities.
1965 July 7 "Miami Junior Golf"
Last week's winners in junior golf competition at the Miami Country club were:
Two holes--David Reese and Ann Heyburn
Five holes--Tommy Cordell and Rebecca Mirjanich
Championship--Jim Robinson, low gross and low putts; Woody Painter, second low gross, Jimmy Painter, second low putts;
A Flight--Charles Grayson, low gross; Bobby Gaines, second; Mark Cordell and Scotty Jackson, tie for low putts;
A Flight--Jonya Stapp, low gross; Billie Bennett, second low gross; Sally Meyer, low putts, four-way tie for second low putts by Barbara Bomford, Billie Bennett, Karen Jeffries, and Jonya Stapp.
B Flight--Joe Hankins, low gross and low net; Bob Wilson, second low gross and low putts.
B Flight--Nancy Adams, low gross and low putts; Nancy Nesbitt, second low gross; Tammy Romick, second low putts.
Boys and girls in the two and five-hole competition will play Thursday. Lesson from Johnie Stapp, club pro will begin at 8:30 am. Pairings will be made at the tee. Scorers will be Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrs. Bill Giffhorn, Mrs. Lou Mirjanick, Mrs. Charles Phillips, Mrs. Tony Prewitt, Mrs. Harry Gilmore, Mrs. John Reese, Mrs. Johnie Stapp, Nancy Adams, and Nancy Cordell.
Friday's pairing for championship and A Flight follow:
Championship--Mark Wojcik, John Robinson and Woody Painter; Richard Varley, Rodney Street, Jimmy Painter and Jim Thompson; Susan Russell and Letty Stapp.
A Flight--Tim Schofield, David Adams, and J.R. Coburn; Charles Grayson, Mark Cordell, Scotty Jackson and Bobby Gaines; Jonya Stapp, Karen Jeffries and Judy Berentz; Billie Bennett, Nancy Cordell, Sally Meyer and Barbara Bomford.
Tee time is 8:30 from the red tees. Lessons from Johnie Stapp for beginners will start at 8:30. Scorers will be: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, Mrs. Claude Dale, Mrs. Rex Graham, Mrs. John Robinson, Mrs. Jack Schofield, Mrs. Robert Nesbitt, and Mrs. George Wojcik.
1965 July 8 "Mixed Twilight Golfers Begin Rounds Friday"
1965 July 16
1965 July 15 Tulsa Tribune "Junior Aces Rout Golf Foes"**Personal Note: This was my last junior girls state championship and we played it at Southern Hills Country club.
Defending champion of the Jr Girls State Championship, Susan Basolo, and medalist Rinda Koppitz breezed to quarterfinal victories here his morning at the Southern Hills CC. Miss Basolo moved into the semifinals of the 16th annual tournament by discarding Christine Townsend of Tulsa 9 and 8. Miss Koppitz, who captured medal honors with a 4-over par 82 Tuesday, reached the Friday semifinals by tumbling Cheryl Crain, also of Tulsa, 7 and 6.
Rita Albertson, a Tulsa golfer and Letty Stapp of Miami were even up after 18 holes of match play and played the 455 yard par 5 first hole. Rita dropped a 15-foot putt for a birdie 4 to win the match. Miss Louise Stekoll of Okmulgee won her match on the 15th hole with a boggy 5 while Miss Gini Breene took a 6 losing the match 5 and 3. Miss Basolo and Miss Stekoll will tee off at 8:05 am Friday following the semifinals match between Miss Koppitz and Miss Albertson.
**Personal Note: Times were much more formal when we played golf in the 1960's. We were expected to dress up like ladies for the awards banquet held on Wednesday nights of this week long event. Mabel Hotz wrote songs that all of the girls sang for entertainment, each and every year.
Personal note from Barbara Bomford Newman:
I played my only Junior Girls state golf tournament at Southern Hills in 1965. What I remember the most was walking up the hill on the 18th green and seeing that huge clubhouse. The walk uphill was quite difficult and intimidating to me. That was a time when the only way we communicated was by phone calls to the hotel room where we stayed or by reading the Tulsa World every night or morning to learn about our tee times the next day. We relied on the newspaper for all of our news. This was a special trip for me.
I also remember my favorite tournament at the country club was once a year when we got to play with caddies. I don't know who the caddies were by they were men and boys who carried our clubs and helped us make decisions. It was fun.
1965 July 21 Miami News Record "Trophy Smiles"
1965 July 21 "Tri-State Winners"
1965 JULY 25 MNR "Robinson and Stapp Local Champs"
John Robinson's golfing was hot as the weather Friday when he carded a sizzling 74 to capture the championship of the boys' division of the annual junior handicap tournament at the Miami Country club. He carded a 40 on the front nine and was two under on the second round to post a two-over 74. His handicap gave him a 68.
Letty Stapp won the championship of the girls' division with an 87 card and a 15 handicap for a net score of 72. Runners-up in the two divisions were Mark Wojcik and Susan Russell. Mark toured the 18 holes in 81 and netted 76 with his five handicap. Susan 's card showed 112. Her handicap was 27, giving her a net 85.
Sixty-four boys and girls competed in the meet. Winners and runners-up in the other divisions were:
A flight, boys-Charles Grayson and Bobby Gaines
A flight, girls--Barbara Bomford and Billie Bennett. They were tied at the end with Barbara winning in a sudden death playoff.
B--Bob Graham and Bob Wilson; Mary Lollar and Susie Wickham.
Five-hole flight: Ricky Adams and Bill Giffhorn; Tanya Reese and Elaine Butcher.
Two-hole flight: David Reese and Matt Giffhorn; Teresa McKinney and Dawn Feronti.
Putting winners were: Jimmy Painter and Letty Stapp, championship; J.R. Coburn and Nancy Cordell, A flight; Bruce Richardson and Nancy Adams, B flight; Tommy Cordell and Ann Cordell, five-hole flight; John Mirjanich and Linda Wickham, two-hole flight.
Driving contest winners were: Woody Painter and Susan Russell, championship; Mark Cordell and Karen Jeffries, A flight; Pete Whitaker and Tammy Romick, B flight; Dan Giffhorn and Rebecca Mirjanich five-hole flight; and Jim Arndt and Christy Dudgeon, two-hole flight.
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1965 August 1 "Trophy Time"
1965 August 8 "Best in Tournament"
1965 August 11 "Letty Stapp in National Girls Golf Tourney"Letty Stapp, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnie F. Stapp, will compete in the national junior girls golf tournament, beginning Monday at Evergreen, Colorado. The top 32 scores among some 140 entries in two-day qualifying rounds will be assigned to championship play. Contestants from the across the nation will include Susan Basolo, of Muskogee, champion of the Miami Girls Invitational for three straight years.
1965 September 12 "Neel Tops Golf Meet Shooters"
Dickie Neel of Miami fired a five-under par 67 Saturday to capture medalist honors in the two-day annual Miami Invitational Golf Tournament. More than 130 golfers from several states toured the par-72 Miami Country club Saturday. Their 18-hole scores determined assignments to five flights and will be added to the 18-hole Sunday scores in determining winners.
Dr. W.D. Jackson, tournament chairman, is the defending champion. He won with 74-77=151 last year. Neel finished fourth in the 1964 with 77-79=156.
1965 September 13 "Dick Neel Shots Record Score for Golf Tourney Title" by Mack Boswell
Dick Neel of Miami, carding the best 36-hole tournament score in the history of the Miami Country club, captured the championship of the club's 10th annual invitational golf tournament Sunday afternoon.
Dick Neel of Miami, carding the best 36-hole tournament score in the history of the Miami Country club, captured the Championship of the club's 10th annual Invitational Golf tournament. He was eight under par with a 67-69=136. The lowest total in the previous invitationals was 69-72-141 by Jack Myers of Miami, in 1956.
10th Annual trophy won by Dickie Neel
Ideal weather prevailed for this year's meet and the 6,682 yard course was in excellent condition. "That was the best shooting we've ever had in a tournament here," said Johnie F. Stapp, club pro.
Champion Neel teamed with Bob Hill, Jr., in 1960 to capture the two-ball state championship for MHS. This may have been Neel's last time to compete in the Miami invitational. He is planning to become a professional and accept full-time employment at a nearby country club.
Finishing in the top six behind Neel were Ed McKay,
148; Robert Klein 150; Kenny Childress 150; Jim Conatser 152; and Gene
Wetzel 152.
Other Miami players and recognized names: Bob Temple, Chi Galloway, Lloyd Tate, Joe Whipple, David Robinson, Stratton Hensley, Harry Gilmore, Dr. Bill Neal, Woodrow Painter, George Parker, Dick Lillard, Joe Thompson, Charles Trussler, Kent Jeffries, Delmar Barnes, George Windham, Rex Painter, Dr. R.W. Varley, Ray Coburn, George Wojcik, Harry Whitaker, Kermit Lewis, Harry Ford, Bill Hirsch, Max Martin, V.W. Lillard, Harry Dean, Henry Garwood, Lloyd Cowgill, Lou Mirjanich, Dan Heyburn, Bob Garwood, George Romick, Charles Phillips, Dan Mailath.
**While setting an all-time record for 36 holes on the Miami Country club course, Dick Neel missed the 18-hole record by one stroke with his 67 on Saturday. Six-under par 66's have been shot on the current 9-hole layout by John F. Robinson, Jack Myers when he shot a 66 the opening day of the invitational in 1957.