Charlie Dawson shared his memories:
I worked in the Pro Shop for your dad one summer and caddied for Doc Jackson in the late 50s and early 60s when he competed in tournaments in the area and those famous Miami/Joplin/Springfield events and the Miami Invitational. Doc usually was paired against Payne Stewart’s dad Jim in those events. I was also on the Miami High School golf team for two years. In my last event, Bob Dickson who went on to play the tour was in my threesome. That was thrilling to be a part of his life in golf.
One time your dad arranged for me to caddy for Mickey Mantle and George Coleman when they played at the country club. That was a true honor for me.
My mother was in the group that played with Mickey Wright
and your dad when she was in town (1958).
I still have the golf ball given to Florence by Mickey Wright that my
dad Spencer Dawson bronzed. Like you and
Jonya, I lived at the club during the summers, until I left in 1962.
1960 March 13 Ladies
Begin Golf Lessons
Golf lessons for members of the Miami Ladies Golf association will begin Wednesday--"rain, snow, sleet or sunshine"--at the Country club. Plans for the 1960 golf activities were made at the annual membership coffee at the home of Mrs. Henry Garwood.
1960 April 10 "Schoolboy Golfers of 3 States in Golf Tournament Here"
Schoolboy golfers from Oklahoma City, and other distant
points will arrive in Miami today for practice rounds before the third annual
Miami High School Invitational tournament Monday at the Miami Country club. One
third of the 15 teams that accepted invitations to play in the meet are from
the state capital. They are Harding, champion of the first meet in 1958;
Northeast, Capitol Hill, Southeast, and Grant. Other entries are Tulsa Edison, defending
champions; Midwest City, Tulsa Cascia Hall, Muskogee, Miami, Joplin,
Coffeyville, and three Springfield, Missouri teams--Parkview, Hillcrest, and
Miami also has three players back from the foursome that won fifth in last year's field. They are Dick Neel, Bob Hill, and Stephen Moore. Roger Scruggs is a new member of the team.
Jack Rucker, Miami golf coach is general director of the tournament. Johnie Stapp, will instruct the contestants early Monday morning and serve as starter. Members of the high school student council will serve sandwiches and milk.
1960's Golf Shop Employees: These names are all listed in my mother's ledger, but with no years or dates beside them. Dickie Joe Badger, Cora May Westfahl, Steve Hollerback, Roger C. Scruggs, Don Wiley Parker, Russel Horner, Larry Parker, Charlie Dawson, Roger Lee Rollins, James Brad Smallwood, Bob Darrel Ballenger, Warren Harkins, Dale Mahurin, Pat Yost, and David Helms.
Another list shows: William Viles, Gregory James Dale, Charles Bullock, Steve Allen Willey, Frank Jacobs, Bob Christianson, Richard Neel, Thomas Charles Dean,
1960 April 10 "Ladies Golf Notes"
Winners in low gross competition for members of the Miami Ladies Golf Assn. Wednesday at the Country club were: Mrs. Bill Oliver, championship; Mrs. Ed Badger, Class !; Mrs. Frank Hansford, B; Mrs. Jack Kemp, C; and Mrs. George Walbert, class D.
Winter ringer winners were: Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. Bill Hatfield, Mrs. George Wojcik, and Mrs. Don Curlee. Awards for winners will be made at the regular Wednesday luncheon and business meeting. Group lessons for beginners will be discontinued.
Competition Wednesday will be for low putts from the red
tees. Pairings are:
Mrs. Bill Oliver, Mrs. Al White, Mrs. George Lusk, Mrs. Orville Dahl.
Mrs. W.D. Jackson, Mrs. Roy Cundiff, Mrs. Bob Temple, Mrs. Claude Jones.
Mrs. G.P. Campbell, Mrs. R.W. Varley, Mrs. Dan Heyburn, Mrs.
Henry Garwood.
Mrs. Dick Lyman, Mrs. Bill Carter, Mrs. Jim Smallwood, Mrs. Ed Badger.
Mrs. Paul Wilson, Mrs. Dale Nefziger, Mrs. Hance Van Beber.
Mrs. Bill Hatfield, Mrs. Bert Wall, Mrs. Corbin Shouse, Mrs.
Spencer Dawson.
Mrs. Wayland Kelly, Mrs. Vernon Cry, Mrs. John Robinson, Mrs. Jack Scholfield.
Mrs. George Russell, Mrs. Frank Reniker, Mrs. Ted Vernon, Mrs. Don Curlee.
Mrs. Bob Nunn, Mrs. Olin Moore, Mrs. Clarence Carselowey, Mrs. Lois Cowles.
Mrs. Hazel Johnson, Mrs. Jack Kemp, Mrs. George Wojcik, Mrs. Don Johnson.
Mrs. Frank Hansford, Mrs. Bill Medcalf, Mrs. Woodrow Painter.
Mrs. George Walbert, Mrs. Charles Trussler, Mrs. Stanley Ulmer.
Mrs. L.A. Wetzel, Mrs. Tom Barton, Mrs. Wayman Jackson, Mrs. Johnie Stapp.
**There were approximately 40-60 active women golfers in this generation. Many of the women had held various jobs during and after World War II, but their careers were never mentioned. Hattie White as a P.E. teacher. My mother, Helen Stapp, worked at Boeing in Wichita as a librarian.
1960 April 29 Miami High Golfers Win New Honors
The local girls foursome finished second in medalist, two-girl and four-girl competition Thursday in the state meet at Oklahoma City's Lincoln Park.
Phyllis Proper carded a 50-55-48- 153 for 27 holes to finish second to Patty David Tulsa Central and medalist race. Miss David had the winning total of 136.
Patti Gibson's 173, combined with Miss Proper's 153 gave Miami a total of 326 for second place in two-girl scores.
Miami was runner-up to Duncan in the four-girl scoring with
a total of 709 with the cards of Diana Oliver and Bobbi Baron added to the
Propper, Gibson total.
The Miami players have received instruction the past few years from Johnie Stapp, Miami Country club golf professional.
Coach Jack Rucker's Miami high boys, who also have had the benefit of instructions from Stapp, bettered the winning totals posted in the three divisions of the Class AA boys meet at the Lincoln Park north course.
Bob Dickson of Muskogee, medalist in the April 11 Miami invitational schoolboy tourney, was the No. 1 player of the AA meet with a card of 77,76,78=231.
Miami's Bob Hill was Class A medalist with a 73, 79, 67=216 fifteen under Dickson's total. Dick Neel of Miami, who shot a 73,79, 71=223 was eight strokes better than the AA champion.
Hill and Neel won the Class A two-man title with a total of
439, which was 31 strokes under the winning 470 total posted in Class AA by
Tulsa Edison's Jim Ingram and Charles Kothe.
Although the Miami four-man team of Hill, Neel, Stephen Moore, and Roger Scruggs finished third in Class A with a total score of 920, this mark would have won the AA meet. Edison (always the big competition in golf) won the four-man trophy in AA with 959.
1960 May 1 Ladies Golf Notes
Winners in last week's competition for the Ladies Golf Association were: Mrs. Corbin Shouse, championship; Mrs. Dick Lycan, Class A; Mrs. Bob Nunn, Class C; Mrs. Johnie Stapp, Class D.
1960 May 8 Twilight
League Golf Play Begins Tuesday
First competition in Miami's Twlight Golf league for the 1960 season will begin Tuesday with the following team pairings:
#1 John F. Robinson, Hoot Gibson, Wayland Kelly, and David Robinson vs #2 G.R. White, Bernie Schaff, Al White, and Dick Lycan.
#14 Charlie Burtrum, Ralph Fulp, Alex Hecksher, and Charlie Phillips vs #3 W.D. Jackson, Bob Temple, Harry Whitaker, Spencer Dawson.
#13 George Barker, Dale West,Jack Brown, and Richard Varley vs #4 Rex Painter, Charlie Trussler, George Beck and Marion Zajic.
#12 Stanley Ulmer, John McLaughlin, Paul McIntosh and Bill Plumlee vs #5 Bob Hill, Pat Campbell, Bob Hill Jr., and OW. Fox.
#11 Ted Vernon, Vernon Cray, Ed Wade, and David Ray vs #6 Joe Thompson, Clarence Carselowey, Tom Barton, and Dick (Hub) Neel.
#10 Orville Dahl, Harry Kenreigh, Frank Hansford, and Don Curlee vs #7 P.J. Stephenson, Bill ?, J.D. Gentry, Bill Oliver.
#9 Glenn Scott, George Wojcik, Jack Schofield and Jeremy Zeis vs. #8 Woodrow Painter, Harry Ford, Bill Campbell, Lloyd Cowgill.
Round-robin matches will be held each Tuesday for the next 14 weeks. Tournament chairman Harry Whitaker should be notified about substitutions of players.
1960 June 24 "Miami Junior Girls Tourney Title Won by Jeannie Thompson of Tulsa"
Jeanne Thompson of Tulsa became the premier young female golfer in Oklahoma during the early 1960's. She won this event with a 42-42=84 over Suzie Marks with a 94. We were proud that she came from OKC to our Miami Invitational that Johnie Stapp and the Ladies Golf Association began and hosted yearly for over a ten year period. A bus load of girls from OKC and Tulsa would come to Miami for the day. Most of them stayed in host homes over night. Sixty-three young girls came from the tri-state area for this event.
Other Miamians to participated in the local tournament:
First flight 18 holes: Diana Oliver 120; Bethanne Badger, 153.
A flight 9 holes: Donna Fox, 55; Susanne Stephenson, 59; Susie Nunn, 63; Carol Luttrell, 72; Katrina White, 78; Cathy Olson, 84.
B flight 9 holes: Sally Ulmer, 64; Letty Stapp 68; Sandy Thompson 72; Ann Habeger, 74; Janee Kenreigh, 81; Peggy Sapp, 85.
C flight: C.Ann Richards 59; Mary Dahl, 63; Kay Nunn 67; Vicki Newell, 72.
Pee-Wee (4 holes) Nancy Nesbitt, 50; Barbara Bomford 60.
1960 July 5 "Winners Named in Holiday Golf"
Winners among Scotch foursomes on Independence Day golf competition ate the Miami Country club were:
Low net--Dr. and Mrs. R.W. Varley, first; Mrs. and Mrs. Dan Heyburn, second.
Low gross--Mr. and Mrs. Bob Temple, first;Mrs. and Mrs. Al
White, second
Low putts (9 holes) Mr. and Mrs. Hance Van Beber, first; G. R. White and Suzie Stephenson, second.
1960 July 5 "Junior Golf"
Latest winners in Miami Junior Golf competition, low blind holes, were Jonya Stapp and Pete Stephenson, two holes; Barbara Bomford and Jay Reniker, 5 holes; and Kae Nunn and Mark Wojcik, 9 holes.
Thursday's play at the club will be for low putts. Pairings and adult leaders follow:
Senior High, 9 holes: Barbara Dahl, Charles Dawson, and Bobby Zeis; David Kruithof and Carol Cowles; Phil Ulmer, Johnny Burford and Diana Oliver; Peggy Sapp, Donna Fox and Pam Smallwood.
Katrina White, Phyllis Propper and Sandi Thompson; Carol Ann Colburn, Janee Kenreigh, and Cathy Olson; Jean Burford and Suzie Stephenson; Carole Luttrell and Suzie Nunn.
Junior High, 9 holes: Sally Ulmer, Mary Dahl, and Mark Wojcik; Mrs. Al White scorer; Cathy Cowles, Kae Nunn, and Letty Stapp, Mrs. Dick Varley, scorer; Ann Habeger, Bill Fullerton, and Pat Wilson, Mrs. William Oliver, scorer; John Robinson, Susan Russell and Jim Burford, Mrs. Joe Thompson, scorer; C.Ann Richards and Sandy Stephenson, Mrs. George Wojcik, scorer.
Five Holes: Woody Painter, Nancy Nesbitt, and Johnny Doty, Mrs. Tom Cordell, scorer; Larry LaCaff, Jim Thompson, and Lee Dell Snyder, Mrs. Johnie Stapp, scorer; Barbara Bomford, Richard Varley, and Carol Haralson, Mrs. Kenneth Richards, scorer; Jay Reniker, Jimmy Painter, and Richard Neel, Mrs. Robert Nesbit, scorer.
Two Holes: Karen Jefferies, and Terry Ford, Mrs. Orville Dahl, scorer; Scotty Jackson, Pete Stephenson and Becky Nesbitt, Mrs. H.C. Ford, scorer. Nancy Cordell, Gary Neel, and Bobby Wilson, Mrs. K.C. Jeffries, scorer; Mark Cordell, Tim Schofield and Jonya Stapp, Mrs. Paul Wilson, scorer.
1960 July 5 Winners Named for Holiday Golf Event
Winners among Scotch foursomes in the Independence Day golf competition at the Miami Golf Club were:
Low net--Dr. and Mrs. R.W. Varley, first; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Heyburn, second.
Low gross--Mr. and Mrs. Bob Temple, first; Mr. and Mrs. al White, secon.
Low putts--Mr. and Mrs. Hance Van Beber, first; G.R. white
and Susie Stephenson, second.
1960 July 6 Junior Golf
Latest winner in the junior golf competition, low blind holes were: Jonya Stapp and Pete Stephenson, two holes; Barbara Bomford and Jay Reniker, five holes, and Kae Nunn and Mark Wojcik, nine holes.
1960 July 12 "Junior Golfers Entertain Players From Out of Town"
Letty's personal thoughts: During the years 1959--64 when I played in the state Girls
Jr. Golf Championships in Tulsa we were guests of Tulsa families, so that our
parents did not have to be out the cost of motels. What I never realized is
that the Tulsa World carried a list of all junior girls and where they were
staying during the week long event.
The 1960 Oklahoma State Girls' Junior Golf Tournament, which opened today at Rolling Hills Country club, provides the occasion for many young Tulsa golfers to serve as hostesses to out-of-town participants:
Letty Stapp of Miami and Jeanne Heinrich of Bartlesville are the guests of Pam Anderson, daughter of C.H. Anderson. *My personal memory of this home was the length layout of the ranch style home and the lavish living space. However, most memorable was having bowls of Hershey Kisses placed all around the house. We never had candy in bowls at our house, unless it was left over mints from Bridge club.
The video of Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini
Letty's personal note: This was the MOST popular song of the summer and we sang it every chance we had, even on the golf course. Bikini's were not allowed in most pubic swimming pools. However, on a personal note, I do not ever recall seeing this video. My image and the images we gossiped about were not of a little girl. It would have been Annette Funicello or Sandra Dee from the Gidget movies.
...Sandy Thompson of Miami is the guest of Virginia Bootz...Pam Smallwood is the guest of Ann Perkins...Diana Oliver is the guest of Sally Martin...The Donald Honn family is entertaining Gaye Phillips...C.Ann Richards is the guest of Sondra Benjamin...
1960 July 17 "Miami Girl is Among Winners in State Golf"
Gaye Phillips of Miami won the third flight consolation trophy Friday in finals of the annuals state Jr. Girls Golf tournament in Tulsa. She defeated Margaret Uhring of Enid, 4 and 3.
Katherine McGraw of Tulsa, winner over Miami's Suzanne Stephenson in Thursday's semi-finals, n the first flight championship by defeating Marty Taylor, Henrietta, 3 and 1. Diana Oliver was defeated in first flight.
Medal play results for other Miamians: Katrina White, sixth
place A flight; Pam Smallwood, seventh B flight; C.Ann Richards and Letty
Stapp, tie for second in C flight; Sandra Stephenson, fourth in D flight.
August 7, 1960 "17 Teams Announced for 4-Ball Golf Tourney"
Teams for the Miami Country club first annual four-ball
tournament August 27-28 have been announced. There will be 17 teams of four men
each and the foursome with the most points at the end of two days' play will be
declared the champion.
Each team will start with points resulting from the total of individual handicaps. During tournament rounds, each man will receive one point for a bogey, two for a par, three for a birdie, four for an eagle, and five for a hole-in-one. The teams are:
1. Charlie Trussler 8, David Robinson 9, George Wojcik 11, Bill Plumlee 20;
2. James Emery 4, O.W. Fox 10, Bill Hirsch12, Ray McKinney 20;
3. G.R. White 6, George Beck 10, Lloyd Cowgill 13, David Ray 20;
4. Clarence Carselowey 7, Harry Kenreigh 11, Jerry Zeis 17, Alex Hecksher 20;
5. George Windham 8, Loren Williams 11, Bill Carter 13, Tom Wilson 20;
6. Hoot Gibson 8, Marion Zajic 9, Crab Grayson 13, Stan Ulmer 19;
7. Ken Richards 4, Wayland Kelly 10, Paul Wilson 13, Bill Medcalf 20;
8. Rex Painter 8, Harry Whitaker 11, Frank LaCaff 18, Don Curlee;
9. Bob Temple 7, Al White 11, George Parker 12, George Walbert 19;
10. Bill Neel 2, Harry Ford 10, John Burford 13, John McLaughlin 17;
11. Woodrow Painter 7, Joe Thompson 9, Tom Barton 14, Hank Garwood 18;
12. John Robinson 0, Harry Dean 10, Ed Wade 10, Bill Oliver 20;
13. Bob Hill Jr. 0, Pat Campbell 11, Dick Lycan 14, Darrell Buzzard 19;
14. Phillip Temple 3, Bernie Schaff 11, Hance Van Beber 15, Ray Cundiff 18;
15. P.J. Stephenson 6, Bob Hill Sr. 11, Orville Dahl 14, Paul McIntosh 18;
16. Corbin Shouse 7, Harry Gilmore 11, Vernon Cray 15, Ray Coburn 19;
17. W. D. Jackson 2, Dick Varley 10, Bob Nunn 13, Spencer Dawson 19.
1960 August 5 Notes
From Your Town "The Mickey Mantle Special Train"
A special worship service between 7:30 and 8:00 am has been announced at the First Christian church for baseball fans who will board the Kansas City bound Mickey Mantle special train here Sunday morning. The train from Tulsa, is expected to arrive here between 8:30 and 9:00 am and return about 9 Sunday night following American league action between the New York Yankees and Athletics.
The fifty local fans who have train tickets and their families are invited by Russ Martin, minister, to attend the 30-minute service in the prayer chapel. It is entered from the north door at street level.
Tom Pendergraft memories of early 1960’s
I remember caddying a golf tournament at Miami Country Club. I was assigned a guy from Columbus, KS named Percy Pipes. It is strange but the thing I remember about him, other than his name, is the flop-flop-flop sound of the leather fringe flaps that covered the laces of his golf shoes. Tom P.
Letty, Percy was a real dapper dresser and gentleman, if I remember correctly, or at least in my young eyes.
1960 August 7 "Miami Girls in National Tourney"
Four of the 21 girls who will represent Oklahoma in the August 15-19 national junior girls golf tournament at Tulsa's Oaks Country club are members of the Miami Junior Golf association.
They are Phyllis Proper, Suzanne Stephenson, Gaye Phillips, and Donna Fox. One of the highlights of the tournament will be a golf clinic conduced next Sunday afternoon August 14 by Barbara McIntyre, champion of the US. and British amateur women's championships.
1960 August 7 "Ladies Golf Notes"
Winners of low blind holes competition the past week for the Miami Ladies Golf association were Mrs. Bob Temple, championship; Mrs. Bill Carter, Class A; Mrs. Bob Nunn, Class B; Mrs. Clarence Carselowey, class C.
**Personal Note: Each week during the year from March until December the Ladies Golf Association shared their pairings with the Miami News Record. I doubt that they ever missed a week. The other golf announcements were hand delivered by my mother or father weekly. When I was finally old enough to drive, I delivered the hand written or typed news to the Miami News Record. It was a real thrill for me, and I especially recall the aroma of the ink when I walked into the front lobby of the newspaper. Jonya and Suzy Wickham recall the same importance in delivering the golf announcements. A few of those trips we were allowed to drive the Muntz to town. Far too many times, it was mother's station wagon that we drove.
1960 September 15 "Mrs. Dawson Repeats as Golfing Champion"
Mrs. Spencer Dawson repeated as champion of the annual ladies golf tournament at the Miami Country club by defeating Mrs. Williams Oliver in the final match. Mrs. Dan Heyburn was the club medalist. Results:
President's flight--Mrs. George Lusk won over Mrs. Hance Van Beber.
A flight--Mrs. William Hatfield defeated Mrs. Dick Lycan.
B flight--Mrs. Don Curlee defeated Mrs. George Russell.
Winners of the approaching and putting contests were: Mrs. Bert Wall, championship; Mrs. Sam Fullerton, president's flight; Mrs. W.D. Jackson, A flight, and Mrs. Don Curlee, B flight.
In the "never-say-die" round Mrs.Dan Heyburn won the 18-hole prize and Mrs. Carselowey won the 9-hole prize.
1960 September 23 Miami Invitational Golf Opens Saturday
The largest field of entries, 104, in the history of the Miami Country club's invitational tournament will be play Saturday morning with final rounds on Sunday. Champions in five or more flights will be determined by a 36 hole medal score.
Defending his championship will be Dr. W.D. Jackson (better known to buddies as Jerky) of Miami. He succeeded Ray Ferguson of Kansas City, Missouri who did not compete last year. Jack Myers of Miami won the 1957 and 1958 tournaments.
Other top contenders for the title are: Bill Stewart (Payne Stewart's father), winner of the Missouri amateur championship, qualifier for the National Amateur this year.
Miami's John Robinson, runner-up last year and third-place winner in 1957, 1958.
Percy Pipes, Mt. Vernon, Illinois winner of the southern Illinois championship four times and low qualifier in the St. Louis area for this year's National Amateur.
Dave Dennis, Independence, Ks. a two-time winner of the Kansas State amateur tourney.
Bob Klein of Southern Hills, 1959 runner-up in the state amateur.
Ray Mantle of Commerce, who completed two years of Army service before his recent discharged, will compete before taking up duties at brother Mickey's big bowling center in Dallas.
Marshall Smith of Independence, Kansas and formerly of
Quapaw, who has been reinstated as an amateur following duties as the pro at
Independence Country club.
The beautiful 9-hole course is in excellent condition for the tournament, according to pro Johnie Stapp.
Other News:
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Even though we lived under Sundowner Laws, Russ Martin brought in this group of Negro singers from Parsons, Kansas. |
July 1, 1960 Crane Corporation buys out Miami Products and brings in more jobs to Miami, Oklahoma.