1942 Miami Golf and Country club history
by Letty Stapp Watt
The Miami Daily News Record (mdnr) is my major source of information. When I cannot locate area golf news I may also use the Joplin Herald (jh) as a source. For the sake of the "Timeline of the Miami Golf and Country Club" I have chosen to use the exact words from the newspaper writers because of the times, and language of golf, and the cultural standards from the war and depression years.

When war came for the British in 1939, sports were immediately and completely abandoned. The British dug deep pits the breadth of their fairways to destroy their value as possible landing strips for German gliders, and unless they were in uniform, few Britishers of sound body and military age ventured on the links. After the Battle of Britain, however, and the removal of the immediate threat of invasion, the British perspective on total war altered and it began to be realized that proper relaxation was the best insurance that men and women, working harder than ever before in their lives, could continue to back the men behind the guns. The English, the Scots, and the Welsh returned to their golf courses and absolved from the fear of condemnation, benefited from their golf and almost as much from the anticipations of a pleasant round on their day off from the factory.
In the United States people went through a somewhat similar cycle. The threat of an enemy landing being much smaller. As threats passed most consciences were clear when War Manpower Commissioner McNutt told the nation's golfers, officially, to get out and play--golf was not an unpatriotic diversion. Three quarters of the clubs in the United States remained open throughout the war. (pb. 301,302 from The Story of American Golf)
1942 January 14 mdnr ...snippets of news...
The Oklahoma Professional Golfers associating, meeting in Tulsa yesterday, voted to purchase a $500 defense bond...A very fine gesture by the professional men...Jack Guild, Miami Country club pro, attended the session at which the action was taken...George L. Coleman, Jr., and John F. Robinson, Miami amateur golfers, were elected honorary members of the PGA for their efforts in stimulating interest in the sport....
What about the golfer needing a new supply of little white pellets? They ought to be easy to get--except for the fact they're made of rubber and the government already has restricted their sale...
1942 February 8 mdnr ...snippets...
A stag dinner will be observed at the Miami Country club Tuesday night for the first time since new club officers were elected. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm, Frank Spencer, chairman of the house committee, said.
A 1 o'clock covered-dish luncheon will entertain members of the Ladies division of the Miami Country club on Tuesday, Feb. 17, at the clubhouse. A large attendance of membership is desired as the annual election of officers will be held at this time.
1942 February 23 mdnr "The Grist" by Mac Bartlett
First break of the weather is expected to lure a flock of golfers to the nine-hole Miami Country club layout.....The state PGA's coming to the city again, for the fourth consecutive year, but while the event probably will be held sometime in May no definite days have been set...Henry Picard, the great shotmaker from Oklahoma City, and Ky Laffoon of Miami both have to qualify for the National PGA this year and they may try to do so here...Their entry would give the local event some national attention.
1942 March 2 mdnr "Allies Strike to Drive Japs Off Java"
1942 March 9 mdnr "The Grist" by Mac Bartlett"
It may be that Ky Laffoon is rounding into his best form at just the right time...Yesterday, the Miamian and Johnny Revolta, shooting eight strokes under regulation figures, ousted Sammy Snead and Ralph Guldahl from the international four ball tourney at Miami, Fla...John F. Robinson, tourney committee chair said that he Oklahoma PGA meet, which will be played here for the fourth straight year with a five-day bombardment will open May 20... Preceding all the state meets here, like the one at the clubhouse Tuesday night, are stag night affairs in which the visiting pros renew friendships with local amateurs....
1942 April 5 mdnr "war snippet"
The news often reports on athletes being called to war. Lieut.-Col. John C. Butner, Jr., welcomes Maj. Wallace Wade to Field Artillery Replacement Center at Ft. Bragg, N.C. Major Wade left athletic directorship and head foot ball coach's position at Duke University to return to active service. Lieut.-Col. Butner was his teammate on the Brown football team which lost to Washington State in the Pasadena Rose Bowl, January 1, 1916.
1942 April 12 mdnr "Ky Laffoon Back From Golf Wars: Miamian Shot Sub-Par 67, Despite Cold Putter, in Asheville Event.
Ky Laffoon, Miami's No. 1 golfer, has returned from the professional tournament trail for a much needed rest. The local shotmaker, who reached his best form in his last rough at Asheville, N.C., during the Land of the Sky open last Sunday, said he had made no plans to qualify for the National PGA tourney. This event will be held May 15-31 in Atlantic City, N.J.
Laffoon said the 67 he fired in his closing round as Asheville was "one of my finest in a long time" He turned in the par-shattering performance despite a recalcitrant putter.
"I missed eight putts on the round that ranged from two to six feet," Ky said Saturday. "Otherwise my shots were clicking and in the round I played some of my best golf in alone time." His remarkable finish enabled the Miamian to finish in a tie with Ralph Guldahl and Jimmy Demaret for fourth, fifth, and sixth place money. His total for the 72 holes was 253.
Laffoon and his wife arrived his Friday and will stay for several days. The Miamian, who is still listed as a PGA member from Chicago district, cold transfer his membership to Oklahoma and thus become eligible to participate in the state meet in Miami next month. However, he did not indicate he would try to qualify anywhere this year.
1942 April 14 mdnr "Lyndon Scott Scores Year's First Ace"
The year's first hole-in-one member out at Miami Country club is Lyndon Scott, Picher business man. Playing in a threesome Sunday with Sam Fullerton and Tony Ming, Lyndon used a No 4 iron on the 151-yard No. 3 hole to score his ace.
A stiff wind was blowing at the time the ball plopped into the cup. In fact, Lyndon's drive struck about two inches past the hole, but with the aid of the wind and backspin bounded in the "back door" for his ace. "Whew!" the linksman exclaimed after the perfect shot finally dawned on him. "That's my first ace and I'm just waiting here to see that it fell into that hole."
More than 20 other pellet swatters toured the nine-hole layout, now in splendid condition, Sunday afternoon...Perhaps the best round--it was the lowest reported anyhow---was the 37-37--74 turned in my John F Robinson. Playing with Robinson, MC. (Buck) Bagby had a pretty fair last nine, requiring 39 strokes after goin out in 42...
Others who got in some swings over the course yesterday, included: Dr. L.P. Hetherington, W.C. Lueders, Dr. R.E. Baron, Wesley Bullock, Alderson Thompson, R. O. Gibson, S.E. Long, F. E. Millner, Jack Myers, Bill Neel, Kenneth Neal, G.C. Niday, D.E. Reitz, Glenn Scott, Ted Stith, G. R. White, Bob Dixon, Dr. F.K. Kirkpatrick, and DeAtley Hampton.
Jack Guild has been notified by the national association that sectional qualifying rounds must be played by May 8. Guild said he would contact Floyd Farley at Oklahoma City today to clear up the tournament-getting problems...
1942 May 3 mdnr "Professional Golfers to Play Over Miami Course this Week"
Although five of the "old guard" won't be here, this week's annual Oklahoma PGA golf tournament is churning up lots of interest locally in the links sport. Miami Country club's rolling nine-hole course is ready to give the play-for-keeps boys another severe test. Par's seldom been broken, not over the 36-hole stretch at least, and there's no visible evidence the layout is going to be easier this time.
U.C. Ferguson, assistant pro at Lincoln Park in Oklahoma City, is joining the army Tuesday. He's the fifth PGA member who'll not be back for this year's show, which starts with the 18-hole pro-amateur next Thursday and runs through Sunday with the finals in the match play.
Others who will not be on hand are Harold Nenhinger of Tulsa and Howard Estep of Fort Smith, Ark., both in the army, and Buddy Poteet and Frank Higgins, both of Tulsa, who have accepted national defense jobs.
Pro Jack Guild announced Saturday night that 35 local "simon pures" have signed up to participate with the visitors in the pro-amateur Thursday.
Guild said Joe Dahlman of Tulsa, a veteran professional links instructor and former president of the Oklahoma PGA will make his fourth consecutive appearance in the event on the Miami layout. George Whitehead of Tulsa Indian Hills is the defending match play titlist. Last year Floyd Farley of Oklahoma City won the 36-hole qualifying test here (which will be played next Friday). He will return to defend his honors.
On Saturday, the eight low scorers in the qualifying will be bracketed for the start of 18-hole match play. The two survivors in morning and afternoon competition that day will meet for the big trophy now in Whitehead's hands.
1942 May 4 mdnr "The Grist" by Mac Bartlett"
Charley Lewis and Lyndon Scott, Miami Country club golfers, ousted Fred Rauch and Harold Stiles, Tulsa swingers, by a 2-up margin Sunday in the first round of the Tulsa World PGA four-ball tourney....It was Scott's fine play that gave the Miami combination an early lead...
Scott toured the first six holes of the Mohawk course in par figures to give the local combination a three-hole edge in the match play affair...Lewis and Scott will compete in the second round next Sunday...
Jack Guild, local professional, and his amateur partner, Dr. R.E. Baron, were eliminated by a couple of fine golfers, Clyde King, Jr., and Harold Lahar, former University of Oklahoma football star...The margin was 6 and 5...
While at Tulsa, Miamians learned that there'll be a representative field of pro golfers here Thursday through Sunday for the annual PGA...Among them will be: Bill Witherspoon, Tulsa Southern Hills who hasn't competed here previously in the PGA; Jess Stuttle, Marion Askew, John Dahlman, C.J. Worley, Hugh Bancroft and Sandy Francisco, all of Tulsa; Jimmy Gullane and Harland Hicks, both of Bartlesville; Charley Weisner of Muskogee and Floyd Farley of Oklahoma City...There'll be several other from Oklahoma City and Bill Oliver of Ponca City also is expected....
Worley and Bancroft are newcomers to PGA circles...Both have served out the necessary five years of links instruction to qualify for membership...
Saturday night's storm brought some damage to the local links....Both No 7 and No 9 greens were damaged by flying pieces of wind-swept wood...A table on the south porch of the clubhouse was smashed against the roof of the "drive-under" to the clubhouse and then was carried onto and over the No. 9 green, tearing up the sod in several places...The greens will be smoothed out and limbs blown down from many of the trees will be removed from the fairways today....
While the pro-amateur event, slated for Thursday, is really the first bit of fairway fireworks, in the fourth annual meet in Miami, the club members and pros will gather at the dinner table Wednesday evening to lay their plans...
1942 May 5 mdnr "P.G.A. Thursday"
From the reports already received from the shotmakers, Jack Guild Miami Country club pro, estimated today there would be 15-18 professional golfers here Thursday through Sunday for the Oklahoma PGA tourney.
A surprise entry came Monday with the arrival of Bill Laffoon, granted a week's furlough from Fort Sill.
There are 37 club members signed up for play in Thursday's pro-amateur. They include:
G.R. White, Buddy May, Mil Caldwell, Jack James, E.K Scott, Glenn Scott, Dr. R.E. Baron, George Windham, Joe Thompson, Bert Wall, Fred Newton, Myron Jenkins, John F. Robinson, Dr. M.A. Connell, Kelly Spencer, Joe Spencer, Jack Myers, Lyndon Scott, L.J. Bowers, W.J. Worley, LeRoy Heath, Claude Jones, R.O. (Hoot) Gibson, Bob Dixon, M.C. (Buck) Bagby, M.K. Hutts, W.C. Bullock, Jim Campbell, Wilton Taylor, Al white,
Fried chicken and strawberry shortcake, gentlemen, will be the main dishes on the menu. Wednesday night when the Country club dinner is served at 6:30 o'clock in the clubhouse. At this time, pairings for the Thursday's 18-hole pro-amateur will be announced. Club members also will met the pros with whom they are to play.
C.J. Carselowery, G. C. Niday, Sonny Peacock, Alderson Thompson, Luther Sheldon, Dr. L.P Hetherington, and Sam Fullerton.
Handicaps will be figured out for the 'simon pures' by Wednesday morning and their pairings with the visiting golfers will be announced at the stag dinner.
1942 May 5 mdnr "Ky Laffoon Is Low Scorer at Chicago"
Ky Laffoon of Miami Okla, a free-lance pro who holds a membership in the Illinois section of the PGA, yesterday posted a 73-75--148, on Glen Oaks' par 72 course to pace the seven qualifiers for the PGA golf championship in Atlantic City the week of May 25. It was the tenth straight time Laffoon qualified for the tourney.
1942 May 8 mdnr "Three Way Tie as PGA Meet Begins"
Jess Stuttle of Tulsa and George Windham; Bill Oliver of Ponca City and Al White; and Bill Witherspoon of Tulsa and Dr. M.A. Connell have low ball scores of 64.
The professional shotmakers got away on their 36-hole test in threesomes. After today's eight low scorers are named, pairing will be made for two rounds of match play Saturday morning and afternoon. Then the finals will be held Sunday over the 36-hole route.
The best round of the day was Whitehead's even par 72. The Tulsa Indian Hills pro went out in 37, but came in with a sparkling 35. Outstanding shot and the most timely as well was amateur Al White's hole out on No. 18 when he took a sand wedge to blast out of the trap. It enabled him to tie for highest honors.
1942 May 10 mdnr "Tulsa Pro to Meet O.C. Player Today for PGA Trophy"
Defending champion George Whitehead of Tulsa will meet dapper Floyd Farley of Oklahoma City at Miami Country club today in the 36-hole finals of the annual Oklahoma PGA match play tournament. The finalists will be firing away for about $75 cash today, with the lion's share, 50 going to the winner.
If he's victorious in the finals Farley will have made a clean sweep of the annual tourney. For he led the field Friday with a 36-hole total of 149 to qualify for the National PGA meet in Absecon, N.J. May 25 to 31.
1942 May 11 mdnr "Floyd Farley Lifts Oklahoma PGA Trophy"
Handsome Floyd Farley of Oklahoma City had a handsome golf trophy today to show for his links consistency. Driving just a bit more accurately into and with a stiff southwest wind that swept across the local course throughout the day, the Oklahoma Citian combined this slight edge with an enormous advantage on the greens to rout George Whitehead 5 and 4, Sunday afternoon.
The conquest came in the 36-hole finals. Whitehead, the defending champion, simply didn't have enough to hold on. Terminating the match on hole No. 32, after lifting his game to near par levels in the afternoon, Farley was decidedly the better of the two in the Sabbath struggle. During the morning round, both faltered in the stiff wind that swept the layout. They staggered in for lunch with seven-over-par 79's for the first 18 holes.
1942 June 16 mdnr ...snippets from The Grist...
About 60 golfers, playing under ideal weather conditions tested the Miami County club layout Sunday...Some unusual shots and several good scores...Phillip (Skinny) Peacock ran down a 35-foot putt on No 9 and, a few moments later, Paul Campbell, a member of a different foursome pitched into the cup from a short distance off the carpet...Those are the kid of shots that chill the boys standing around to wait for a six-footer...Miami Golfers will be doing their part for the Red Cross war fun on July 4 and Labor Day links events...All proceeds from the entry fees will go to the Red Cross.
Since the days of clubs and rocks, fighting men have had their mascots...WARDOG.
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1942 July 26 mdnr ....snippets from "The Grist"
Seven Miamians are competing in the Tri-State meet at Joplin today....Charley Lewis qualified last week with a 71 and will play 36 holes in the championship class...Others from Miami who were slated to compete in various brackets include Dave Coats, Dr. R.E. Baron, George Windham, Clarence Carselowey, Joe Thompson and G.R. White...
1942 August 16 mdnr ...snippets from "The Grist"
The WPB's (War Production Board) latest order concerning sports good may affect golf more than any other...Jack Guild, pro at Miami Country club, said Saturday he received a letter from the L.A. Young company stating that WPB will permit no more covering of old golf balls...The process by which the old pellets were covered had been looked upon as a method of saving certain vital materials....
Ed Dudley, the pro golf star and Bing Crosby, the movie crooner, played one unscheduled match in the state when they stopped in Miami to see their friends Mr. and Mrs. George L. Coleman, Jr., on their recent bond-selling tour. That was over the Miami Country club course, where Big Ed served as professional 22 years ago.
Dudley and Bing stopped at Miami on their way to Tulsa. Dudley wanted to pay a call on his old friend, Jack Guild, now pro at the Miami layout. Big Ed recalled that when he was at Miami the club had sand greens back in 1920—the year he started his meteoric rise in the golfing world that has carried him to the present rank as one of the nation’s best and President of the Professional Golf Association.
"I don't see how he holds up under the strain of meeting hundreds of persons everywhere he goes--but he does," said the congenial Dudley. "At Kansas City yesterday, 400 to 500 persons swooped down upon him when we got off the train at the Union station. There's nothing he can do, except meet them, and he does a good job of it" Bing, who is really on a vacation but spending it selling war bonds on the golf links of the nation, dresses for comfort and appears nonchalant, while playing golf although he's in there consistently with the 70's. The film-star and Dudley, played 13 holes over the local course late in the afternoon. A gallery that numbered only a few at the start swelled to unexpected proportions before they called it a day, swinging back to the No. 5 green from the short No. 3.
Mrs. George Coleman, Jr., and Miss Patty Fullerton joined them in a foursome. "I don't know exactly what I have shot," the singer admitted toward the end of his play. He said, he enjoyed shooting over the course, which he said was in "fine" condition.
Bing's drives carried considerable depth for a man who weights 145-150 pounds. Rather short, heavily-tanned, he wore a yellow sport shirt, brown trousers, white shoes and a gray, striped cap.
Before tuning up their golf shots for today's appearance at Tulsa's Southern Hills club, Bing and Dudley visited Judge S.C. Fullerton's Sunbeam farm. There they saw Prince Sunbeam, 29 grand champion at the Fort Worth livestock show. Sam Fullerton escorted them through the barn, housing the prize animals.
Bing made a number of friendly wagers on the outcome of today's matches. He lost one yesterday when he said he could tour the par 36 country club layout in 38. Whatever his score was, it was a bit above that number. However, he shot par figures on a few holes, and made a remarkable approach on the long No.6 hole, over 500 yards in length.
Before leaving the clubhouse, a large group of teen-age girls swarmed about Bing, pleading for him to sing. "I really couldn't do it," he told them seriously, "I don't have any music with me"
But they all "nailed" him for his autograph, which he gave graciously and with a frequent smile.
He will be back "on the job" October 1 when he resumes his radio (Kraft music hall) and film work. After Tulsa, they will go to Oklahoma City, then on to Houston where they will conclude their bond-selling tour.
Note the signature of Crosby across the bottom of the tee top.
* The small red tee, only one inch and a half long, is a true souvenir from a thirteen year old golfer and Crosby fan, Sarah Hilliard Mirjanick, who received it from Bing Crosby on the day he played golf in Miami. The picture of the tee was shared by Sarah's daughter, Rebecca Mirjanick Davis.
1942 September 27 mdnr "Nation-wide Gas Rationing Slated to Start Nov. 22"
1942 October 11 mdnr "Golfers Swing for Fat Prizes"
Miami Country club officers announced Saturday a lucrative prize list for the golfers who emerge victorious in the current tournament, which will reach completion of the second round in all flight by Sunday night.
The championship field already has been narrowed down to four players, but there were only six placed in the select class this year. M.C. Bagby, who drew a bye, will oppose Glenn Scott, a 4 and 3 victor over Alderson Thompson. M.K. Hutts, who eliminated Paul Wilson 2 and 1, will meet Dr. R.E. Baron, who drew a bye, in the other.
Class A--Al White defeated Luther Sheldon, 2 and 1; Ted Stith ousted Virgil Fichter, 3 and 2; R.O. (Hoot) Gibson, bye; Lyndon Scott, bye; G.R. White bested George Windham, 4 and 3; JOe Thompson trimmed Dr. W. B. Sanger, 4 and 3; Kenneth Neal, bye.
Class B--DeWitt Watters won by default; G.C. Niday eliminated Gene Reitz, 5 and 4; Frank Spencer, bye; C.R. Jones downed Bob Dixon, 7 and 6; Bud May, bye; W.J. Worley defeated Noel Wyatt, 7 and 6, and Philip Peacock and Bert Wall both advanced by defaults.
Class C--W.C. Bullock won by default; Leroy Heath, bye; Carl Hilliard, won by default; A.J. Poleete, won by default; H.C. Hampton, bye; Sonny Peacock, won by default; Sam Long, bye; E.K. Scott, won by default.
Class D--Georg J. Stein, Dr. J.B. Hampton, and Dr. F.K. Kirkpatrick each won by default; Myron Jenkins, nosed out Dr. L.P Hetherington, 1 up in 19 holes.
Following are prizes:
Championship flight--Silver cup, donated by Williams Jewelry, first prize; one-half dozen golf balls, Oklahoma Tire & Supply, second prize.
Flight A--Hair brush and comb set, Simon Jewelry, first; shaving set, Miami Coca-Cola Bottling company, second.
Flight B--Billfold, Dr. R.E. Baron, optometrist, first; three golf balls, Ed Millner hardware, second.
Flight C--Eversharp pencil, Dawson Jewelry, first; sweater, Hub clothing, second.
Flight D--Shaving set, Coleman-Hutts, first; tie, B&K clothing, second.
For the first contestant scoring a 91 a fountain pen will be awarded by the Dixon Printing company.
**Final results of the 1942 Club Championship were not found in the Miami Daily NewsRecord. The reasoning may be the massive numbers of men called to war, including Pro Jack Guild.
1942 October 20 mdnr ...snippets from The Grist
Paul Smith, former Miamian now stationed at Tulsa, paced the floors of Tulsa's St. John's Hospital the other day with Buddy Poteet, formerly of Commerce and one-time an assistant pro at Miami Country club...Smith became the father of a girl, while Buddy beamed at the arrival of a boy..Another golfer, no doubt, who'll knock those clothesline drives down the fairways like his daddy, who won the Oklahoma PGA Open here several years ago.
1942 November 29 mdnr "The Grist"
For the second time in his life, affable Jack Guild, golf professional at Miami Country club is marching off to war. He'll be fighting again for the Allies, but under the American flag instead of British colors. When 17, he made his first trip to war, joining the Royal Marines with whom he saw two years of service, eight months of which were spent in campaigns in France, at the Rivers Meuse-Argoone offensive, the battle of Somme River, and the Soissons River.
The Miamian will leave here Wednesday for Fort Sill and assignment in the regular army.
Jack Guild, professional, called to war.
Jack Guild, a native of Troon, Scotland, the links professional began World War duty after residing at Newcastle, in Northern England. His brother and sister presumably are in England (he hasn't heard from either of them for more than a year) and the former, who has served with the British fleet's air arm, was stationed at last reports, at an airdrome.
Jack took out his first U.S. citizenship papers a number of years ago and is no awaiting his second. After four years of links apprenticeship in Newcastle, England and at Troon, the Scotsman became eligible for professional work. He came to this nation in 1924, serving his first club at Bonham, Texas.
During succeeding years, the Miamian has been a golf instructor at Louisville, Ky., Muskogee and at Tulsa's Oakhurst club (now the Oaks Country Club, Tulsa redesigned by Perry Maxwell), from which he came t this city in March of 1939.
Golf has enjoyed a noticeable growth here--until wartime conditions affected it--under Guild's direction. "I like it fine here," he said Saturday, "and would like to return after the war. But I may not get back into the golf business when this is over."
The Scot is proud of his many good golfers developed in this city and is of the opinion they could "hold their own" with those of "practically any other club in the state."
In 1929, Jack finished in second place in the annual Oklahoma PGA golf tourney, which was played, incidentally, at the old grass greens course here. With the new grass greens layout, golf membership steadily has increased and a marked interest was shown until the tie war broke out.
The golf expert, who also is well qualified in caring for grass greens, is single. No successor has been named to his position by the Country club.
1942 December 7 mdnr "Athletics Help In War Effort" by Harold Classen
A year ago today...Pearl Harbor.
Despite the early-death rumors for sports immediately after the Japs' unannounced visit to Hawaii, the nation-wide interest in athletics continues today and the sports world--remodeled in spots and revamped in others--goes on in its three-fold war purpose of (1) furnishing entertainment and holstering morale, (2) raising relief funds, and (3) conditioning prospective fighters.
So let's make a brief check to see what has happened to sports and what sports has made happen in the past 12 months.
Sports described: Boxing, Racing, Baseball, Football and Golf.
Golf: The ruling body gave up its national championship program but sent its professionals out for relief exhibitions and its amateurs to digging divots for the same cause...Relinquished such players as Bob Jones and Bud Ward to the Air Force, Sam Snead to the Navy, Dick Chapman, Pat Abbott, Ed Oliver, and Jim Turnesa to the Army.
All other branches of sport contributed--both in cash and manpower--in proportion. Virtually the only outright casualties were the Pan American games, automobile and boat racing. And they were dropped only because they consumed gasoline which Uncle Sam needs for his fighting nephews.
1942 December 9 mdnr ...snippets from The Grist...Jack Guild, the former Miami Country club pro, writes from Fort Sill, where he is temporarily stationed with the army, that "things are going all right so far"...He says he's been outfitted and had his shots, but doesn't know yet where he'll be assigned..."All the Miami boys are doing fine," the veteran of World War I added...